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Glenkinchie酒厂是苏格兰单一麦芽威士忌 酿酒厂在东洛锡安,苏格兰。它是低地地区的六个酿酒厂之一。它归饮料巨头帝亚吉欧(Diageo)所有。


顾名思义,格兰昆奇(Glenkinchie)位于东洛锡安(East Lothian)彭凯特兰(Pencaitland)村附近的金奇伯恩(Kinchie Burn)幽谷。它距爱丁堡约15英里。该酿酒厂位于农田中。名字“ Kinchie”是土地的原始所有者“ De Quincy”的腐败。它的起源可以追溯到1825年,当时它是由John和George Rates兄弟创立的。虽然没有直接记录,但Glenkinchie似乎是该地区先前记录的Milton Distillery。 兄弟可能在1837年左右将其重命名。1853年,Rate兄弟破产,工地改建成锯木厂。



直到1989年United Distillers开始以他们的Classic Malts品牌进行营销时,Glenkinchie的商标才相对鲜为人知。


格兰金奇(Glenkinchie)经常被称为爱丁堡麦芽(Edinburgh Malt),因为它紧邻苏格兰的首都。官方装瓶范围的核心表达是12岁,尽管官方装瓶还包括17岁,20岁,21岁,以及一系列Distiller's Edition和一系列特别发行。很少有独立的装瓶厂可以长期出售。



该酒厂拥有生产每年1700000升能力。邻近的Lammermuir Hills的焚烧提供了蒸馏过程中使用的水。Glenkinchie生产中一个相当独特的方面是,该酿酒厂有一个铸铁蜗杆缸,该缸仍用于冷凝新鲜蒸馏的烈酒。与圆形的普通蠕虫缸相比,Glenkinchie的蠕虫缸高两层,呈矩形螺旋状。  







格兰奇(Gothinchie)所在的苏格兰地区,洛锡安(Lothian)地区,以其高品质的大麦闻名。该酒厂一直使用自己的地板麦芽酒,直到1969年,因为当时麦芽是从工业麦芽酒中提炼出来的。过去用来存放麦芽地板的建筑现已改建为Glenkinchie历史博物馆和麦芽 威士忌 生产博物馆。尽管Glenkinchie的烟熏 味不太烟熏,但使用的麦芽非常轻柔。



一个木桶的Glenkinchie的模板酒厂。格兰金基(Glenkinchie)上有3个垫料仓库,可容纳1万多个桶。该酿酒厂使用各种不同的酒桶来使其精神成熟。具有14年历史的Distiller's Edition在Amontillado Sherry桶中陈酿,而其他许多单一麦芽威士忌在Bourbon桶中陈酿。



1837年,约翰和乔治·拉特(John and George Rate)这两个兄弟创立了Glenkinchie,尽管Diageo声称Glenkinchie与先前位于同一地点的名叫Milton的酿酒厂之间存在联系。1840年,Leechman&Gray的James Gray接管了业务,直到1852年John Rate再次获得控制权。一年后,Rate由于缺乏利润而关闭了酒厂,并出售给了当地一家名叫Famer的酿酒厂。克里斯蒂(Christie)将它变成了锯木厂。 


出售之后,格伦金基(Glenkinchie)保持了几十年的不活跃状态,直到1880年,酿酒厂和葡萄酒商人的财团将其命名为格伦·金奇(Glen Kinchie)酿酒厂公司。对该酒厂进行了重建,并成功恢复了生产。1914年,格伦金基(Glenkinchie)与其他四个低地酿酒厂组成了苏格兰麦芽蒸馏厂集团。十几年后的1925年,SMD被Distiller's Company Limited收购。值得注意的是,格兰金基(Glenkinchie)设法在两次世界大战期间继续开展业务。二十世纪末期,格兰金基继续经历了一系列的发展。地板制麦芽糖于1969年关闭,并转变为博物馆,并于2007年发布了两种新的瓶装酒,分别是12岁和20岁的桶装强度。  





  • Glenkinchie 12 Year Old

    Glenkinchie 12 Year Old

    70cl / 43%


    (£57.07 per litre)

  •  Glenkinchie 2007 Distillers EditionBot.2019

    Glenkinchie 2007 Distillers EditionBot.2019

    70cl / 43%


    (£91.36 per litre)

  •  Glenkinchie 12 Year OldSmall Bottle

    Glenkinchie 12 Year OldSmall Bottle

    20cl / 43%


    (£7.62 per 10cl)

  •  Glenkinchie 196419 Year Old Connoisseurs Choice

    Glenkinchie 196419 Year Old Connoisseurs Choice

    75cl / 40%


    (£1,666.67 per litre)

  •  Glenkinchie 199020 Year Old

    Glenkinchie 199020 Year Old

    70cl / 55.1%


    (£321.43 per litre)

  •  Glenkinchie 199217 Year Old Managers' Choice

    Glenkinchie 199217 Year Old Managers' Choice

    70cl / 58.1%


    (£464.29 per litre)

# 名称 规定的年份 酒精度 容量 装瓶 桶号 条形码 评分
1 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 79.19
2 Glenkinchie Tattoo 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 86.80
3 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 74.71
4 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 80.85
5 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.7 12 61.2 % Vol. 700 ml 22.7
6 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 22 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 97
7 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2841 83.00
8 Glenkinchie 10-year-old Lowland Single Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 70.50
9 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5000281021935 83.00
10 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 200 ml 5000281021904 78.87
11 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5000281021935 80.33
12 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5000281021935 79.33
13 Glenkinchie 1978 GM Connoisseurs Choice 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996
14 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2851
15 Glenkinchie 1975 MoS 57.2 % Vol. 50 ml 2009 2968
16 Glenkinchie 1987 CA Authentic Collection 19 54.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 85.00
17 Glenkinchie 1987 CA Authentic Collection 21 51.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 85.40
18 Glenkinchie 10-year-old Lowland Single Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 74.25
19 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000281021935 79.33
20 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5000281021935 77.00
21 Glenkinchie Available only at the Distillery 48.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5000281045719 85.43
22 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000281021935 79.79
23 Glenkinchie 1986 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 86.00
24 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2839
25 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2842
26 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013 5000281022017 82.00
27 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2015 088076171459 82.00
28 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 088076171503 73.00
29 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 79.86
30 Glenkinchie 1975 MoS 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 2968 90.59
31 Glenkinchie 1974 GM Connoisseurs Choice 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 83.63
32 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 200 ml 2011 5000281021898 77.20
33 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5000281021935 78.57
34 Glenkinchie 10-year-old Lowland Single Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 76.71
35 Glenkinchie 1987 CA Authentic Collection 18 56.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 85.50
36 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2847
37 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2850
38 Glenkinchie 1966 CA Dumpy Bottle 21 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1988 89.00
39 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2845 85.50
40 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5000281021935 76.86
41 Glenkinchie 17-year-old CA Miniature - Black Label 17 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 84.33
42 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 200 ml 5000281018300 75.75
43 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 79.12
44 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5000281021935 75.20
45 Glenkinchie 10-year-old Lowland Single Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 81.22
46 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021935 78.66
47 Glenkinchie 1965 CA Dumpy Bottle 16 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1981
48 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2846
49 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2849 91.00
50 Glenkinchie 14 Squadron Single Malt 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
51 Glenkinchie 1966 CA Dumpy Bottle 13 45.7 % Vol. 750 ml 1979 89.25
52 Glenkinchie 1964 GM Connoisseurs Choice 19 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 92.00
53 Glenkinchie 16-year-old 16 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 2120
54 Glenkinchie 1974 GM Connoisseurs Choice 13 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 83.33
55 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281003610 80.17
56 Glenkinchie 10-year-old Lowland Single Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 79.67
57 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 2601844018442 77.50
58 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 78.50
59 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 200 ml 81.50
60 Glenkinchie 1987 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2843
61 Glenkinchie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5000281021997 82.55
62 Glenkinchie 1988 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2001
63 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.6 12 61.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 22.6
64 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.23 A lively brunch dram 18 52.6 % Vol. 750 ml 2006 22.23
65 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.20 18 55.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 22.20
66 Glenkinchie 1990 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2004
67 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.25 Anytime, anywhere, any-why 19 53.5 % Vol. 750 ml 22.25
68 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.7 12 61.2 % Vol. 750 ml 22.7
69 Glenkinchie 2009 Hand Filled Distillery Exclusive 09 55.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 312033
70 Glenkinchie 27-year-old DL The Old Malt Cask - Miniature 27 50.0 % Vol. 50 ml 87.00
71 Glenkinchie 1978 SV Vintage Collection - Dumpy 19 58.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 3478
72 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.21 Aristocratic youthfulness 18 52.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 22.21
73 Glenkinchie 1989 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 5000281013473 80.75
74 Glenkinchie 1992 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2007 82.00
75 Glenkinchie 1996 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 82.37
76 Glenkinchie 2000 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5000281022581 80.38
77 Glenkinchie 1974 GM Spirit of Scotland 16 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml
78 Glenkinchie 2003 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 G/288-7-D 5000281022598 81.53
79 Glenkinchie 20-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2007 20 58.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5000281022970 86.28
80 Glenkinchie 2004 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5000281022581 83.39
81 Glenkinchie 2000 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5000281022598 81.00
82 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.28 Exotic tales of summer 21 54.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 22.28 86.00
83 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.29 Bringing in the Barley 24 54.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 22.29
84 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.17 A faultless classic Lowland 17 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.17
85 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.9 Apples and shortbread 16 58.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.9
86 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.24 19 52.4 % Vol. 500 ml 2007 22.24
87 Glenkinchie 1973 DL Old Malt Cask 27 50.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 88.25
88 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.8 13 61.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 22.8
89 Glenkinchie 20-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2010 20 55.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2010 87.00
90 Glenkinchie 1975 JW Old Train Line 33 50.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 6396 88.05
91 Glenkinchie 1999 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2012 5000281022611
92 Glenkinchie 1995 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2009 86.00
93 Glenkinchie 2006 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000281052885 82.21
94 Glenkinchie 1992 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5000281022581 80.89
95 Glenkinchie 2007 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5000281057866 85.38
96 Glenkinchie 2008 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 G/293-7-D 5000281062624 80.86
97 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 83.86
98 Glenkinchie 1987 SV Cask Strength Collection 19 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 2835 84.25
99 Glenkinchie 1991 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2005
100 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.12 Root ginger, pomegranate and scented candle 17 57.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.12
101 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.10 Apples and grapefruit 17 59.3 % Vol. 700 ml 22.10
102 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.29 Bringing in the Barley 24 54.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 22.29
103 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.10 Apples and grapefruit 16 59.3 % Vol. 750 ml 22.10
104 Glenkinchie 19-year-old SMWS 22.27 Turkish Delights 19 52.0 % Vol. 700 ml 22.27 86.00
105 Glenkinchie 13-year-old Duty Paid Sample - Not For Sale For Trade Purposes Only 13 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1993
106 Glenkinchie 1986 The Distillery Edition 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2000
107 Glenkinchie 1966 MI The Costumes 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1988 2573 90.00
108 Glenkinchie 2000 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013
109 Glenkinchie 1987 CA Authentic Collection 24 49.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 83.90
110 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 5000281005454 81.00
111 Glenkinchie 1990 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2004 5000281013176 82.60
112 Glenkinchie 1992 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 79.08
113 Glenkinchie 1975 SMWS 22.2 58.9 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 22.2 89.00
114 Glenkinchie 1990 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 82.44
115 Glenkinchie 2005 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5000281049489 80.90
116 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5000281005454 75.00
117 Glenkinchie 1999 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 79.84
118 Glenkinchie 1996 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 82.03
119 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 5000281005454 78.15
120 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1990 5000281005454 79.50
121 Glenkinchie 20-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2010 20 55.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 5000281027340 86.33
122 Glenkinchie 1987 SV Cask Strength Collection 17 57.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 2833 75.00
123 Glenkinchie 1983 SMWS 22.4 59.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 22.4
124 Glenkinchie 1977 SMWS 22.1 62.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1985 22.1
125 Glenkinchie 1978 Gh Special Individual Cask Bottling 17 60.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1995
126 Glenkinchie 1966 CA Authentic Collection - 150th Anniversary Bottling 25 35.7 % Vol. 750 ml 1992
127 Glenkinchie 1992 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2007 088076171640
128 Glenkinchie 1987 SV Cask Strength Collection 21 56.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 2837 85.29
129 Glenkinchie 1999 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 82.00
130 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.15 Breakfast on the lawn 17 59.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.15
131 Glenkinchie 1974 UD Mad Planets 31 50.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2005
132 Glenkinchie 1989 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2003 5000281013237 79.00
133 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml
134 Glenkinchie 1964 GM Connoisseurs Choice 19 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 94.00
135 Glenkinchie 1986 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 1999 86.00
136 Glenkinchie 1975 DR Individual Cask Bottling 33 60.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 2967 89.42
137 Glenkinchie 16-year-old Four Corners of Scotland 16 50.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2020
138 Glenkinchie 1989 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2002 87.33
139 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 5000281005454 85.20
140 Glenkinchie 1966 RWD 20 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1986 90.50
141 Glenkinchie Available only at the Distillery 59.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 5000281026985 85.22
142 Glenkinchie 1987 CA Authentic Collection 28 53.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 87.19
143 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5000281002910 85.67
144 Glenkinchie 1991 Diageo Special Releases 2016 24 57.2 % Vol. 750 ml 2016 088076180796 86.84
145 Glenkinchie 1987 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000
146 Glenkinchie 1991 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 84.00
147 Glenkinchie 1995 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 80.00
148 Glenkinchie 1987 SV Cask Strength Collection 17 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 2834
149 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.5 12 61.4 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 22.5
150 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.16 Heady and seductive 17 58.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.16
151 Glenkinchie 1987 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2000
152 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.28 Exotic tales of summer 21 54.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 22.28
153 Glenkinchie 1978 Gh Special Individual Cask Bottling 17 60.6 % Vol. 700 ml 1995
154 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.14 A muscular aperitif 17 59.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.14 83.33
155 Glenkinchie 1992 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2006 82.00
156 Glenkinchie 1974 JM Fine Malt Selection - Miniature 18 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml
157 Glenkinchie 1978 SV Vintage Collection - Dumpy 22 54.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 3480 88.33
158 Glenkinchie 1991 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 5000281013473 80.32
159 Glenkinchie 1995 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2008 5000281022611 83.00
160 Glenkinchie 15-year-old The Manager's Dram 15 60.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 87.30
161 Glenkinchie 1992 The Managers' Choice 17 58.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 502 5000281025544 87.00
162 Glenkinchie 1988 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 5000281013473 84.00
163 Glenkinchie 1987 GM Secret Stills 5.1 19 45.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 3733, 3735 5020613874329 81.00
164 Glenkinchie 10-year-old The Edinburgh Malt - Old Version 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281005454 81.34
165 Glenkinchie 1978 SV Vintage Collection - Dumpy 17 60.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 3479 87.25
166 Glenkinchie 1995 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 84.00
167 Glenkinchie 1989 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 5000281013473 82.74
168 Glenkinchie Distillery Exclusive Bottling Batch 01 48.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000821051314 84.57
169 Glenkinchie 1986 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 5000281013909 84.89
170 Glenkinchie 1995 The Distillers Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 5000281022581 81.00
171 Glenkinchie 1991 Diageo Special Releases 2016 24 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5000281046143 86.48
172 Glenkinchie 12-year-old Friends of the Classic Malts 12 58.7 % Vol. 700 ml 85.21
173 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.22 Strawberry bon bons sprinkled with pepper 18 53.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 22.22
174 Glenkinchie 1987 SMWS 22.13 Lemon puffs and custard, dusted with sherbet 17 58.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 22.13



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