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和我们一起遇见威士忌大师DILL | Let's meet Whiskey Master, DILL!

如果你错过了我们咖啡鸡尾酒大师课,我们会继续邀请你来参加我们下一场与充满无可救药热情的威士忌大师Dill King的大师课。男女都欢迎!

If you missed our last Ladies Who Drink session, we're pleased to invite you to join us for a unique Whisky Masterclass with the incorrigible and passionate Dill King. Both women and men are welcome!


Whiskey Master Dill


Looking for new adventures and spicy food Dill moved from Beijing to Chongqing in 2010 and started the Chongqing Whisky Society. While bringing people in SW China single malt for the first time his magnificent mustache and ability to carry cases of whisky up mountains drew him to the attention of Berry Bro’s and Rudd - the oldest wine and spirits merchants in Britain. 



As brand ambassador he travelled to all but 2 provinces in China giving whisky tastings, eating amazing food and sharing glenrothes with new and old friends. As brand manager he took over the rest of the portfolio of whiskies including Glen Grant, wild turkey and many others but Dill found the corporate life of Shanghai somewhat slow for his tastes. 



In 2018 Dill became an independent cask trader - a fast paced life sourcing and trading high quality casks all over the world while still supporting the industry doing tastings for brands like Royal salute and Glenfarclas. Catching up with Nic over a few bottles of bourbon they decided to create a whisky community focusing on people like them - young thirsty and keen to learn but bored stiff by the normal whisky schpeel.



With a fantastic opportunity to explore SEVEN whiskies, come prepared for whisky enlightenment. Surrounded by like-minded women and ally friends, this is a fantastic space to explore the complex world of whisky; ask those burning questions you have, and deep dive into this fascinating liquid gold. It's the perfect chance to find the whisky that YOU love. 


Scan below QR code to book your seat!



Have a taste for curiosity? Join us! 
6.45pm for a 7pm start. 


**Note: Each of the whiskies comes individually portioned (38ml each), and you're more than welcome to take home after the event. Gentlemen are welcome to attend this event. 
Class will be in English & Chinese. 






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Since 2016 北京


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