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主页 > 专题 > 苏格兰威士忌酒厂 > 高地highland >


官方网站 https://www.glenmorangie.com/

Glenmorangie 该地名被认为源于盖尔·格林·莫尔纳·纳斯提斯的《宁静的谷》或格林·莫尔因斯的《大草地的谷》)是一个酒厂在泰恩,罗斯郡,苏格兰,产生单一麦芽威士忌。该酒厂归Glenmorangie Company Ltd(路易威登Mo悦轩尼诗的子公司)所有。 ),其主要产品是Glenmorangie单麦芽威士忌。Glenmorangie被归类为高地酿酒厂,并且拥有苏格兰最高的蒸馏器。[4]可以使用原始,18和25年的装瓶,特殊的木桶装瓶,木桶装潢,超成熟的瓶装和各种特殊版本的瓶装。




根据Glenmorangie公司的说法,Morangie农场生产酒精的最早记录可追溯到1703年。1730年代,在共享农场水源的塔洛格里普林(Tarlogie Spring)现场建造了一家酿酒厂。一位前经理酒厂,威廉洋行收购农场在1843年和转换的Morangie啤酒厂的酿酒厂,配备了两个二手杜松子酒 剧照。他后来改名为酒厂格伦morangie。
该酿酒厂由其主要客户Leith公司Macdonald and Muir于1918年购买。Macdonald家族将保留对该公司的控制权将近90年。
战争临近结束和战后不久,该酒厂提高了产量,并于1948年开始满负荷运转。蒸馏酒的数量从1977年的2个增加到了4个。1980年代,供水成为一个问题。塔洛格温泉附近土地的开发似乎很有可能。发展可能会降低蒸馏厂可用水的质量和数量,因此决定购买塔洛吉温泉附近(包括塔洛格斯普林斯)周围约600英亩(2.4 km 2)的土地。1990年,该酿酒厂再次进行了扩张,当时又增加了四个蒸馏器和两个额外的发酵容器(或回洗液)。)在2002年期间添加。在2009年添加了四个新的静止图像,使总数达到了十二个。
麦克唐纳家族通过复杂的伦敦证券交易所上市保留了公司52%的所有权,该家族拥有该公司的大部分有表决权的股份。2004年,该公司以约3亿英镑的价格卖给了法国饮料公司Mo悦轩尼诗·路易威登(MoëtHennessy Louis Vuitton)。
所有权变更后,Glenmorangie产品线被重新命名,以增加其在海外奢侈品市场上的吸引力。引入了一个新的,更弯曲的瓶子,并为木材表面处理威士忌赋予了新名称,例如The Quinta Ruban,Nectar d'Or和LaSanta。斯特灵大学零售研究所所长Paul Freathy教授说:“法语名称是一种不寻常的创新,因为使威士忌与众不同的是苏格兰与苏格兰的传统纽带。这是一项勇敢的策略。” 
多年来,Glenmorangie公司为超级市场集团提供其威士忌以生产“自有品牌”混合威士忌。这种做法在2009年停止销售,当时卖掉了Glen Moray品牌。


Glenmorangie的水源是Tarlogie Springs,它位于酿酒厂上方的Tarlogie Hills。大麦谷物由该地区农民的合作社Highland Grain Ltd提供。所用的蒸馏器是苏格兰最高的,高26英尺3英寸(8.00 m),脖子高16英尺10.25英寸(5.1372 m),据称该公司产生极淡的味道。蒸馏过程是由16名工作人员(被称为“十六人的泰恩犬”)进行的几十年的工作,他全年工作,圣诞节和保养期除外。自2008年以来生产的扩大导致更多的24名员工,如今在瓶子和促销传单中都被称为“泰恩之人”。
格兰杰使用大量不同的木桶类型,与白橡木酒桶被成熟所有产品,从树木格兰杰自己的森林在不断增长的生产奥索卡山脉的密苏里州,美国。这些新酒桶放置了两年,然后再租给酿酒师杰克·丹尼尔(Jack Daniel's)和天堂山(Heaven Hill),让它们在波本威士忌中熟成四年。然后,Glenmorangie使用酒桶使自己的酒成熟。的原始范围将在前波旁桶完全成熟,而额外的成熟瓶装的范围转移到先前用于成熟的其他产品如酒,端口或木桶雪利酒在一个称为整理的过程中。这些是Glenmorangie生产的常规产品的一部分。Glenmorangie还获得了小批其他酒桶进行精加工,并从中释放出限量版装瓶。在被LVMH收购之后,Glenmorangie生产了一种罕见的限量版陈年木桶陈酿酒,该陈酿酒曾用于玛歌酒庄的成熟。现在(2011年)很难找到这些装瓶,并对其进行相应定价。
人们还认为储存木桶的仓库会影响威士忌的味道。Glenmorangie发布了一个特别版的瓶装酒,名为Cellar 13,该瓶装酒来自离海边最近的仓库,因为威士忌被认为具有独特的风味。
Glenmorangie和Ardbeg品牌的装瓶活动是在Glenmorangie Company在苏格兰爱丁堡郊外西洛锡安利文斯顿的Alba校园内专门建造的装瓶厂进行的。格兰杰先前瓶装Drambuie与Drambuie公司的合资企业; 该安排于2010年结束。

  • Glenmorangie 18 Year Old
    Available with Engraving

    Glenmorangie 18 Year Old

    70cl / 43%



  •  Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 14 Year OldPort Finish

    Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 14 Year OldPort Finish

    70cl / 46%



  • Glenmorangie 10 Year Old Original

    Glenmorangie 10 Year Old Original

    70cl / 40%



  • Glenmorangie Original 10 Year Old Miniature

    Glenmorangie Original 10 Year Old Miniature

    5cl / 40%


  •  Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 Year OldSherry Cask Finish

    Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 Year OldSherry Cask Finish

    70cl / 43%


  •  Glenmorangie Nectar D'OrSauternes Finish

    Glenmorangie Nectar D'OrSauternes Finish

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year Old OriginalGiraffe Edition

    Glenmorangie 10 Year Old OriginalGiraffe Edition

    70cl / 40%


  • Glenmorangie Signet

    Glenmorangie Signet

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie 12 Year OldMalaga Cask Finish

    Glenmorangie 12 Year OldMalaga Cask Finish

    70cl / 47.3%


  • Glenmorangie Bacalta

    Glenmorangie Bacalta

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie SpiosPrivate Edition 9

    Glenmorangie SpiosPrivate Edition 9

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie AlltaPrivate Edition No.10

    Glenmorangie AlltaPrivate Edition No.10

    70cl / 51.2%


  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldMagnum

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldMagnum

    150cl / 40%


  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldHalf Bottle

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldHalf Bottle

    35cl / 40%


  •  Dartington Crystal Regatta DecanterGlenmorangie

    Dartington Crystal Regatta DecanterGlenmorangie


  •  Glenmorangie TusailPrivate Edition

    Glenmorangie TusailPrivate Edition

    70cl / 46%



  •  Glenmorangie CompantaPrivate Edition

    Glenmorangie CompantaPrivate Edition

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie MilseanPrivate Edition

    Glenmorangie MilseanPrivate Edition

    70cl / 46%


  •  GlenmorangieThe Taghta

    GlenmorangieThe Taghta

    70cl / 46%



  •  Glenmorangie 1993 Ealanta19 Year Old Virgin Oak Casks

    Glenmorangie 1993 Ealanta19 Year Old Virgin Oak Casks

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie FinealtaPrivate Edition

    Glenmorangie FinealtaPrivate Edition

    70cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie AstarBot.2008

    Glenmorangie AstarBot.2008

    70cl / 57.1%


  •  Glenmorangie 1981Manager's Choice

    Glenmorangie 1981Manager's Choice

    70cl / 54.5%


  •  Glenmorangie 18 Year OldBot.1990s

    Glenmorangie 18 Year OldBot.1990s

    70cl / 43%



  •  Glenmorangie 1972Bot.1994 Cask #936

    Glenmorangie 1972Bot.1994 Cask #936

    75cl / 46%


  •  Glenmorangie Elegance21 Year Old

    Glenmorangie Elegance21 Year Old

    75cl / 43%


    (£866.67 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 1987Bot.2006 Margaux Cask Finish

    Glenmorangie 1987Bot.2006 Margaux Cask Finish

    75cl / 46%


    (£2,133.33 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 1972Bot.1994 Cask #1645

    Glenmorangie 1972Bot.1994 Cask #1645

    75cl / 46%


    (£1,666.67 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 197721 Year Old Bot.2000

    Glenmorangie 197721 Year Old Bot.2000

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,428.57 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s 2 Litre

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s 2 Litre

    200cl / 40%


    (£275 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 16 Year Old400 Years Of Golf in Dornoch (1616-2016)

    Glenmorangie 16 Year Old400 Years Of Golf in Dornoch (1616-2016)

    70cl / 56.4%


    (£1,214.28 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 1974Bot.1997

    Glenmorangie 1974Bot.1997

    75cl / 43%


    (£1,066.67 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 199210 Year Old Bacardi Partnership

    Glenmorangie 199210 Year Old Bacardi Partnership

    70cl / 57.2%


    (£500 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 18 Year OldLitre

    Glenmorangie 18 Year OldLitre

    100cl / 43%


  •  Glenmorangie 196323 Year Old Sherry Cask

    Glenmorangie 196323 Year Old Sherry Cask

    75cl / 43%


    (£3,000 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 25 Year OldMalaga Wood

    Glenmorangie 25 Year OldMalaga Wood

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,071.43 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    100cl / 43%


  • Glenmorangie Claret Finish

    Glenmorangie Claret Finish

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,428.57 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    75cl / 40%


    (£265.33 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    75cl / 40%


    (£300 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    75cl / 40%


    (£300 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 199310 Year Old Mount Everest

    Glenmorangie 199310 Year Old Mount Everest

    70cl / 46%


    (£785.71 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1960s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1960s

    75cl / 40%


    (£1,000 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1980s

    75cl / 40%


    (£300 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1960s

    Glenmorangie 10 Year OldBot.1960s

    75cl / 43%


    (£866.67 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 1974Bot.1996

    Glenmorangie 1974Bot.1996

    75cl / 43%


    (£1,066.67 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 30 Year OldMalaga Finish

    Glenmorangie 30 Year OldMalaga Finish

    70cl / 43%


    (£3,571.43 per litre)

  •  Glenmorangie 1981Sauternes Wood Finish

    Glenmorangie 1981Sauternes Wood Finish

    70cl / 46%


# 名称 规定的年份 酒精度 容量 装瓶 桶号 条形码 评分
1 Glenmorangie 1992 10th Anniversary Partnership Bacardi-Martini and Glenmorangie 10 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 1285 87.63
2 Glenmorangie 2001 175 years of the Glenmorangie Distillery 1843-2018 16 53.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494946642 90.50
3 Glenmorangie 1987 Special Bottling 17 56.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 88.00
4 Glenmorangie Last Christmas at Leith Commemorative Specially bottled 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 91.67
5 Glenmorangie Lasanta 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 80.50
6 Glenmorangie Vitis Cask Masters 60.7 % Vol. 100 ml
7 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 330 ml
8 Glenmorangie Lasanta 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 77.88
9 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 1500 ml 5010494450088 1.00
10 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 3000 ml
11 Glenmorangie Warehouse 3 Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494447149 88.33
12 Glenmorangie Lasanta Aircraft Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml
13 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 350 ml 5010494907384 79.25
14 Glenmorangie Lasanta 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 80.87
15 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 84.00
16 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 82.79
17 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 83.67
18 Glenmorangie Château de Meursault 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 82.76
19 Glenmorangie Dornoch Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494921090 81.79
20 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 88.50
21 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 90.73
22 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 5010494574838 88.00
23 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 84.00
24 Knockando The Big Big Glenmorangie Show 750 ml 1997
25 Glenmorangie Red The Lasanta 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 73.00
26 Glenmorangie Burgundy Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 87.00
27 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 1500 ml 93.00
28 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 333 ml 86.67
29 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 80.75
30 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 85.71
31 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 1970 84.33
32 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 081753814052 87.75
33 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 82.44
34 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 80.30
35 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 89.00
36 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 333 ml 87.50
37 Glenmorangie Allta Private Edition 51.2 % Vol. 100 ml 2018
38 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494574272 86.87
39 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2021
40 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 88.35
41 Glenmorangie X 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2021 5010494970395 81.50
42 Glenmorangie Milsean Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 081753827519 82.75
43 Glenmorangie 1976 Concorde Commemorative Bottling 60.8 % Vol. 750 ml
44 Glenmorangie Elegance 21 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
45 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml
46 Glenmorangie 12-year-old 12 56.5 % Vol. 700 ml
47 Glenmorangie Ealanta Lab Preview Sample 46.0 % Vol. 350 ml
48 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494683202
49 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 350 ml 83.00
50 Glenmorangie Tùsail Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 84.00
51 Glenmorangie 25-year-old 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 87.42
52 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 87.00
53 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 78.00
54 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494676105 81.82
55 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 5010494574272 87.92
56 Glenmorangie Cellar 13 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494493122 87.00
57 Glenmorangie Claret Wood Finish Brown-Foreman import 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
58 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Slowly Matured 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
59 Glenmorangie Gold The Original 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml
60 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2004
61 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 82.31
62 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 83.86
63 Glenmorangie Madeira Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494676266 84.67
64 Glenmorangie 25-year-old 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
65 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 84.69
66 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 86.00
67 Glenmorangie 1974 Pride 41 52.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2016 97.00
68 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 84.40
69 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 87.78
70 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 84.78
71 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 84.33
72 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 81.25
73 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2008 86.00
74 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494683301 81.96
75 Glenmorangie Companta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 87.55
76 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 2000 ml 86.00
77 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 350 ml 85.67
78 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 350 ml 88.00
79 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 350 ml
80 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 83.70
81 Glenmorangie 18-year-old 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 86.60
82 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 82.33
83 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 88.75
84 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 84.24
85 Glenmorangie Elegance 21 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 87.17
86 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
87 Glenmorangie Spìos 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2018 82.00
88 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 81.57
89 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494574272 89.13
90 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 71.00
91 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml
92 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1627
93 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1713
94 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD 10 86 (proof) 1130 ml 81.00
95 Glenmorangie 1981 Pride Sample 28 56.7 % Vol. 10 ml 2010
96 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper Backlabel 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 80.00
97 Glenmorangie 18-year-old 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494470208 87.00
98 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt Scotch Whisky 10 43.00 (gradi) 40 ml 82.50
99 Glenmorangie 1963 Pure Old Highland Malt Whisky 23 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
100 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt - Lino Santi Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 79.00
101 Glenmorangie Rare Edition Port Wood Finish 59.7 % Vol. 350 ml 83 85.00
102 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2007 83.80
103 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 81.50
104 Glenmorangie Cask Masters Sample NOT FOR SALE 46.0 % Vol. 350 ml 83.20
105 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494917840 77.13
106 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Discovery Pack 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 081753818395 83.50
107 Glenmorangie Cognac Matured 14 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 84.88
108 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015
109 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5010494574272 84.75
110 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 83.25
111 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450309 75.20
112 Glenmorangie Allta Private Edition 51.2 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 83.10
113 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 86.07
114 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494917840 81.71
115 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 71.10
116 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 87.23
117 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Sherry Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 82.00
118 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2014 81.07
119 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494561289 85.22
120 Glenmorangie Claret Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1990 88.27
121 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 84.75
122 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2014 82.85
123 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2015 82.00
124 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Miniature 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 79.40
125 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 85.00
126 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494561289 85.32
127 Glenmorangie Lasanta 4th Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494917840 73.00
128 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494574272 89.14
129 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5010494574272
130 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494574272
131 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2019 78.75
132 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 86.20
133 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494325126 87.00
134 Glenmorangie The Tayne Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5010494929287
135 Glenmorangie Tùsail Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494924077 84.47
136 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 4th Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494951837 83.31
137 Glenmorangie 1990 Single Cask 15 56.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 5980
138 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Brown-Foreman import 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 86.50
139 Glenmorangie Cask Masters Sample NOT FOR SALE 46.0 % Vol. 350 ml 85.60
140 Glenmorangie 1991 Natural Cask Strength 58.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5452 87.67
141 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1992 1676
142 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 5010494561289 85.00
143 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 80.00
144 Glenmorangie 1977 Limited 1977 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 5010494674989 90.50
145 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494574272 92.00
146 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494450149
147 Glenmorangie 1977 Limited 1977 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2004 88.00
148 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper backlabel - Zola Pedrosa Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml
149 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Years 18 Old 18 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 82.00
150 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 72.00
151 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 88.33
152 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 187 ml 87.00
153 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494574272 88.94
154 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 5010494574272 87.50
155 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 375 ml 1989 79.25
156 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 5010494563283 85.03
157 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 83.50
158 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish Single Highland Malt Whisky 46.5 % Vol. 700 ml 87.50
159 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2007 5010494561128 89.00
160 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2015 081753810870 81.27
161 Glenmorangie Margaux Cask Finish 18 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2006
162 Glenmorangie 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 81.33
163 Glenmorangie Premier Selection Owl backlabel - George Mackenzie 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 90.00
164 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2007 81.50
165 Glenmorangie Lasanta 4th Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 081753810863
166 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494561289 83.25
167 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494561289 84.60
168 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 84.33
169 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2014 5010494563122 82.86
170 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1740 89.60
171 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5010494563283 84.14
172 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 4th Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 081753831486 82.80
173 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917840 83.31
174 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2016 5010494917949 77.67
175 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 84.25
176 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 88.16
177 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2015 82.08
178 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Malt 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 87.67
179 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt Scotch Whisky 10 1000 ml 1970
180 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494574272 88.23
181 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494561289 84.10
182 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494574272 88.06
183 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 82.00
184 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494574272 87.00
185 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5010494574272 88.50
186 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 5010494574272 88.00
187 Glenmorangie Bacalta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494934632 84.63
188 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 85.00
189 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 80.78
190 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494680287 82.00
191 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 21 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1833
192 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper backlabel - F&C Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml
193 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt - Rossi Import 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
194 Glenmorangie Golden Rum Cask AGED 12 YEARS 12 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml
195 Glenmorangie 1975 Tain l'Hermitage 28 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2003 083300069953
196 Glenmorangie Premier Selection Maltman and Sacks of Barley - John MacDonald 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
197 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1704
198 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1992 937
199 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 22 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1831
200 Glenmorangie 1991 Natural cask strength 10 58.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2001
201 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single HighlandMalt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml
202 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 83.33
203 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 081753810832 84.00
204 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper Backlabel 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 81.75
205 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2008 85.05
206 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494561289 84.31
207 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2014 89.00
208 Glenmorangie Finealta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2010 84.38
209 Glenmorangie 21-year-old Rare Cask 21 56.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 237 89.50
210 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 87.38
211 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 1000 ml 2008 83.50
212 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494325126 88.09
213 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 70 Proof, 26 ²/³ Fl. Ozs. 10 40.0 % Vol. 789 ml 82.00
214 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917840
215 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917840
216 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 88.13
217 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 3000 ml 5010494558708 84.27
218 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1750 ml 081753810832 85.00
219 Glenmorangie Premier Selection Spirit Safe Backlabel - Ian Macleod 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 91.00
220 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 83.50
221 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 4th Edition 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2019 85.25
222 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 84.30
223 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 87.90
224 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494574272 89.00
225 Glenmorangie The Cadboll Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5010494939095 82.33
226 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 88.67
227 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494563122 86.47
228 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494574272 88.82
229 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 82.82
230 Glenmorangie Companta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494917468
231 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2008 83.26
232 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494563283 84.53
233 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494325126 87.10
234 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2006 5010494680102 84.09
235 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494574272 88.27
236 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2012 5010494562125 82.67
237 Glenmorangie Dornoch Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494921090 80.26
238 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917871 84.12
239 Glenmorangie Côte de Beaune 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 5010494464269 86.98
240 Glenmorangie Madeira Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5010494676303 81.73
241 Glenmorangie Cellar 13 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2001 5010494493122 85.24
242 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494917840 82.66
243 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 86.25
244 Glenmorangie Astar 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494325287 85.94
245 Glenmorangie 14-year-old The Quinta Ruban 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494951813 85.57
246 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Egyptair Tax Free Shop 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 80.00
247 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper Backlabel 10 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml 80.00
248 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1988 81.00
249 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1744
250 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 330 ml 1996
251 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 85.00
252 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Years 18 Old 18 43.0 % Vol. 350 ml
253 Glenmorangie 1987 Natural Cask Strength 54.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 6813 87.60
254 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 757 ml 80.00
255 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Malt 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 91.00
256 Glenmorangie 10-year-old ANS D'AGE (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
257 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494904468
258 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 84.17
259 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 84.77
260 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2018 5010494574838
261 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper Backlabel 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml
262 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 79.33
263 Glenmorangie Artein Private Edition 15 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 89.90
264 Glenmorangie Mount Everest 10 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 2036 83.33
265 Glenmorangie 21-year-old Rare Cask 21 50.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 31 87.00
266 Glenmorangie Cask Masters Sample NOT FOR SALE 46.0 % Vol. 350 ml 84.25
267 Glenmorangie The Taghta Cask Masters Selection 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2014 85.00
268 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 083300075688 83.25
269 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt - F&C Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 75.67
270 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml
271 Glenmorangie 18-year-old 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 85.00
272 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 081753810818 82.10
273 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2007 81.56
274 Glenmorangie 22-year-old Rare Cask 22 55.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2020 2 92.00
275 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml 2016 77.00
276 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 82.00
277 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Maltman's Special Reserve 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494470796 88.33
278 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml 5010494924602 82.00
279 Glenmorangie Dornoch Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 79.67
280 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1500 ml 82.41
281 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish Duty Free Only 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 82.00
282 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917840
283 Glenmorangie 25-year-old Sonoma-Cutrer Reserve 25 50.4 % Vol. 750 ml
284 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2007 84.41
285 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494917871
286 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 4th Edition 14 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2019 80.29
287 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494680201 84.40
288 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 86.27
289 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494574272 86.18
290 Glenmorangie Bacalta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494934632
291 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 81.19
292 Glenmorangie Lasanta 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5010494562286 81.27
293 Glenmorangie 1978 Tain l'Hermitage 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 5010494675269 90.27
294 Glenmorangie Lasanta 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494562125 82.73
295 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917871 76.00
296 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494574272 87.17
297 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Barrel Select Release 12 47.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2020 85.80
298 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494562286 81.61
299 Glenmorangie White Rum Wood Finish 18 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 86.78
300 Glenmorangie 21-year-old 150th Ann. Sesquicentennial Selection 21 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 90.09
301 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 4th Edition 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494951813 85.56
302 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Barrel Select Release 12 47.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2020
303 Glenmorangie Quarter Century 25 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2007 88.56
304 Glenmorangie The Duthac Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5010494924916 77.00
305 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494561128 84.68
306 Glenmorangie Companta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494917468 87.62
307 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 4th Edition 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494951813 84.54
308 Glenmorangie 21-year-old 21 48.0 % Vol. 700 ml 91.00
309 Glenmorangie Artisan Cask 10 46.0 % Vol. 500 ml 2006 5010494487695 84.25
310 Glenmorangie 1991 Natural Cask Strength 10 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2001
311 Glenmorangie Finealta Duty Paid Sample 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2010 85.00
312 Glenmorangie 1977 Vintage 26 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 92.00
313 Glenmorangie Burgundy Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2007 80.00
314 Glenmorangie 1997 16 46.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 582
315 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml
316 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.00 (gradi) 700 ml 87.00
317 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Slowly Matured 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 83.25
318 Glenmorangie 21-year-old 150th Ann. Sesquicentennial Selection 21 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 87.50
319 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1657
320 Glenmorangie 1974 Limited 1974 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1999 89.25
321 Glenmorangie 21-year-old Rare Cask 21 56.5 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 237
322 Glenmorangie 1963 Re-bottled 2013 23 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1987 94.00
323 Glenmorangie 1974 Limited 1974 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2000 88.00
324 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2014 88.00
325 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt Scotch Whisky 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 83.67
326 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 500 ml 83.75
327 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 350 ml 82.00
328 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1836 91.83
329 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 40 ml 83.50
330 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494574272 87.00
331 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 84.50
332 Glenmorangie 1993 Truffle Oak 60.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 5010494646818 87.67
333 Glenmorangie Sonnalta PX Private Collection 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 85.00
334 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2014 081753810863
335 Glenmorangie 1991 - Missouri Oak Reserve 55.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 87.00
336 Glenmorangie Sauternes Wood Finish 15 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2004 87.75
337 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 79.00
338 Glenmorangie Golden Rum Cask AGED 12 YEARS 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 86.30
339 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494561289 80.50
340 Glenmorangie 22-year-old Rare Cask 22 55.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 2 92.00
341 Glenmorangie The Duthac Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2014 5010494924916 84.36
342 Glenmorangie Malaga Wood Finish 25 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2003
343 Glenmorangie 1976 Concorde Commemorative Bottling 60.4 % Vol. 750 ml 83.00
344 Glenmorangie Special Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 5010494492286 81.50
345 Glenmorangie Three Cask Matured Exclusive to Sainsbury's 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494477306 79.00
346 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 83.00
347 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 84.00
348 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494574272 88.52
349 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2019 78.25
350 Glenmorangie Lasanta 4th Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2019 85.00
351 Glenmorangie Burgundy Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 88.00
352 Glenmorangie 1975 Port Wood Finish 46.6 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 91.67
353 Glenmorangie 18-year-old 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 93.00
354 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494574272 88.03
355 Glenmorangie The Cadboll Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2018 82.75
356 Glenmorangie Finealta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 86.00
357 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494560121 76.16
358 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494680287 85.25
359 Glenmorangie Traditional 100° Proof 10 57.2 % Vol. 1000 ml 2003 5010494677126 85.81
360 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494561289 83.42
361 Glenmorangie The Duthac Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2014 81.60
362 Glenmorangie Sherry Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494683103 82.80
363 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5010494574272 88.38
364 Glenmorangie Burgundy Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 84.40
365 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 350 ml 79.83
366 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 12 46.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2015
367 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494574272 82.20
368 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 15 Years Old 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 85.00
369 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494561289 84.25
370 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2015 081753810863 82.14
371 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2007 79.99
372 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494917871 84.85
373 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494917840 80.71
374 Glenmorangie Lasanta 4th Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494917840 82.82
375 Glenmorangie Milsean Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494929737 84.30
376 Glenmorangie Allta Private Edition 51.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494949346 84.25
377 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494561289 84.33
378 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494680287 83.17
379 Glenmorangie Burgundy Wood Finish 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494390308 82.67
380 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 83.81
381 Glenmorangie Signet 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 87.96
382 Glenmorangie 1996 SMWS 125.17 Indulgent sofa fantasies 12 57.8 % Vol. 700 ml 125.17
383 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 5345 86.00
384 Glenmorangie 1994 SMWS 125.35 Amontillado and Aubergine 16 52.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.35 88.33
385 Glenmorangie 1992 SMWS 125.42 After-sun-lotion 18 55.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.42
386 Glenmorangie 1980 Limited 1980 Bottling 21 55.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 90.86
387 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.70 A dram of two halves 08 59.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 125.70 84.63
388 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.60 Expanding universe of flavour 10 60.8 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 125.60
389 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.54 Christmas in Jamaica 09 61.4 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 125.54
390 Glenmorangie 2004 SMWS 125.68 A tale of two ladies 09 58.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 125.68 84.75
391 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494452143 54.50
392 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2009 5010494563122 86.00
393 Glenmorangie 1991 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 13 58.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5446 91.00
394 Glenmorangie 1995 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 59.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 13039
395 Glenmorangie 1994 SMWS 125.41 Everything under the sun 16 52.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2010 125.41
396 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 60.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 5523
397 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 1881
398 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1711 5010494656206
399 Glenmorangie 16-year-old SMWS 125.24 A spice tree in the Caribbean 16 52.7 % Vol. 750 ml 125.24
400 Glenmorangie 2007 SMWS 125.71 Chocolate Coke Float 06 58.7 % Vol. 60 ml 2013 125.71
401 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.29 A garden breakfast dram 12 57.2 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 125.29
402 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.51 Perfumed sweetness and zesty fruits 09 57.4 % Vol. 750 ml 125.51
403 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 85.00
404 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.49 Real man's marmalade 09 60.8 % Vol. 700 ml 125.49 90.00
405 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 79.00
406 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2011 5010494563122 85.14
407 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 81.67
408 Glenmorangie 2000 SMWS 125.57 Delicate vitality 11 55.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 125.57 86.58
409 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 5344 88.00
410 Glenmorangie 1998 SMWS 125.34 Cherry Garcia - Mon Chéri 12 56.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.34 84.00
411 Glenmorangie 16-year-old Rare Single Cask 16 56.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 93.00
412 Glenmorangie 2007 SMWS 125.71 Chocolate Coke Float 06 58.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 125.71 86.14
413 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 86.33
414 Glenmorangie 10-year-old SMWS 125.61 Rich custard pudding 10 61.0 % Vol. 100 ml 125.61 82.50
415 Glenmorangie 1995 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 10 59.6 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 3170
416 Glenmorangie 2004 SMWS 125.72 Strawberry delight 11 57.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 125.72 84.50
417 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.2 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 1860
418 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 81.67
419 Glenmorangie 1981 Distillery Manager's Choice 17 54.5 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 89.75
420 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494564273 88.50
421 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5010494560121 78.57
422 Glenmorangie 1989 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 15 53.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 6678 5010494338836 91.29
423 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2004 88.50
424 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494470307 87.00
425 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.9 Hoggie hits the spot 11 56.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.9 85.00
426 Glenmorangie 100° PROOF Duty Free 10 57.2 % Vol. 1000 ml 1998 86.15
427 Glenmorangie Tùsail Private Edition No. 6 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 batch 501069 5010494924077 78.00
428 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 79.40
429 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 083300075046 82.69
430 Glenmorangie 2005 Single Cask 14 59.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 1053 89.33
431 Glenmorangie 1974 Commemorative Millennium Bottling 24 43.0 % Vol. 500 ml 1999 90.95
432 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml
433 Glenmorangie 1974 Limited 1974 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1997
434 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494564273 83.63
435 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494564273 85.00
436 Glenmorangie 15-year-old The Cadboll Estate 15 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 081753832537 82.33
437 Glenmorangie 1992 Natural Cask Strength 10 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 89.25
438 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-shire 10 58.4 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 80 50100494655209
439 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5010494561128 86.27
440 Glenmorangie 19-year-old Finest reserve 19 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494935905 87.00
441 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Giraffe 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494560282 82.00
442 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 85.75
443 Glenmorangie 1996 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 23 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 89.88
444 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Barrel Select Release 12 47.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 85.00
445 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494560282 80.67
446 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 83.43
447 Glenmorangie Fino Sherry Wood Finish 15 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494675269 85.58
448 Glenmorangie 18-year-old 18 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494470147 85.83
449 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Barrel Select Release 12 47.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494967883 85.95
450 Glenmorangie The Elementa Traveller's Exclusive 14 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2020 83.63
451 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494560282
452 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 84.05
453 Glenmorangie 1995 Grand Vintage Malt 23 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019
454 Glenmorangie Sonnalta PX Private Collection 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2009 5010494585124 87.63
455 Glenmorangie 1971 150th Anniversary - Martini&Rossi import 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 88.00
456 Glenmorangie A Midwinter Night's Dram Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494929706 82.03
457 Glenmorangie 1991 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494949971 88.32
458 Glenmorangie The Tarlogan Legends 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494931051 82.01
459 Glenmorangie Bacalta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494934632 84.71
460 Glenmorangie 19-year-old Finest Reserve 19 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494935905 85.94
461 Glenmorangie Sauternes Wood Finish 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 86.96
462 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2009 5010494560121 80.98
463 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.12 Magic spices 12 57.6 % Vol. 700 ml 125.12 89.00
464 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.14 Tranquility and bliss 13 55.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 125.14 84.00
465 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.20 Trap-door to another world 13 56.2 % Vol. 700 ml 125.20 87.50
466 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 2612
467 Glenmorangie 1991 SMWS 125.40 A Quaich Tart 18 55.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.40 87.67
468 Glenmorangie 1989 SMWS 125.33 Tutti frutti beauty 20 52.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.33 89.67
469 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.65 Patisseries and ice-cream parlours 07 61.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 125.65 87.50
470 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.65 Patisseries and ice-cream parlours 07 61.5 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 125.65
471 Glenmorangie 1997 Duke of York Special Reserve 14 54.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2011
472 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 5010494451016
473 Glenmorangie 2003 SMWS 125.56 Soul-touching and heart-lifting 08 60.8 % Vol. 750 ml 125.56
474 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.15 Sweety delights 13 56.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2008 125.15
475 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.23 Murray Mints and Fairy Cakes 11 57.4 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 125.23
476 Glenmorangie 1995 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 59.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 13038
477 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.62 Crêpes Suzettes and coffee dregs 10 61.2 % Vol. 700 ml 125.62 88.00
478 Glenmorangie 1974 Vintage for HKDNP (Hong Kong Duty Free) 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1997
479 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 21 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 560 92.00
480 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.12 Magic spices 12 57.6 % Vol. 100 ml 125.12 90.00
481 Glenmorangie 1993 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 12 57.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 1953 84.00
482 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 2616
483 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Head Cooper backlabel, For Duty Free Sales Only 10 43.0 % Vol. 500 ml 86.00
484 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 953
485 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 57.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 9893 88.75
486 Glenmorangie 1976 Concorde Commemorative Commemorative Bottling 15 59.2 % Vol. 750 ml 1991
487 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.29 A garden breakfast dram 12 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.29 82.00
488 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.74 Caribbean semi-freddo 11 57.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 125.74
489 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494564273 83.86
490 Glenmorangie 1984 The Native Ross-Shire 10 61.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 4218
491 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.32 A most elegant dance 12 57.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.32 82.00
492 Glenmorangie 2000 SMWS 125.59 Spun sugar on polished wood 10 59.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 125.59 87.81
493 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.74 Caribbean semi-freddo 11 57.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 125.74 86.25
494 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1990 5010494450309 85.00
495 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.47 Greta Garbo 15 56.1 % Vol. 750 ml 125.47 73.00
496 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 5010494564839 87.00
497 Glenmorangie 1990 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 59.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 9629 88.25
498 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5010494560121 80.88
499 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml 2014 5010494924602 78.00
500 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5010494166187 71.00
501 Glenmorangie 10-year-old SMWS 125.52 Expensive Swiss milk chocolate 10 60.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2012 125.52 85.67
502 Glenmorangie 1983 Distillery Manager's Choice 16 53.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 5340 88.33
503 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494451016
504 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 85.77
505 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD 10 1125 ml 87.00
506 Glenmorangie 10-year-old John MacDonald back label, Martini & Rossi Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
507 Glenmorangie Traditional 100° Proof 10 57.2 % Vol. 1000 ml 2006 5010494677126 87.00
508 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 350 ml 82.48
509 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 83.00
510 Glenmorangie 19-year-old Finest Reserve 19 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494935905
511 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Duty Free For Exportation Only 86 proof 10 43.0 % Vol. 1130 ml 86.00
512 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.1 Rich teenager 13 51.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.1 86.67
513 Glenmorangie 1979 Limited 1979 Bottling 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 5010494618307 87.67
514 Glenmorangie 16-year-old Distillery Exclusive Release 16 55.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 1784 80.50
515 Glenmorangie 14-year-old Rare Cask 14 56.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 1399 88.33
516 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494564273
517 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 80.07
518 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Dornoch Firth Bridge Commemorative 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1991 88.33
519 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 5010494564273 87.67
520 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2014 5010494561128 87.50
521 Glenmorangie 1999 SMWS 125.67 Clean and innocent 14 58.7 % Vol. 700 ml 125.67 86.33
522 Glenmorangie 1999 SMWS 125.67 Clean and innocent 14 58.7 % Vol. 750 ml 125.67
523 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2020 5010494560121 78.40
524 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494564273 84.36
525 Glenmorangie 1975 Limited 1975 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2002 87.67
526 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494564273 83.50
527 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 86.18
528 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 87.23
529 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Grand Slam Dram 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 81.60
530 Glenmorangie 1971 Limited 1971 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 90.21
531 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450309 80.84
532 Glenmorangie 1978 Pride Baccarat Crystal Decanter by Laurence Brabant 34 47.4 % Vol. 1000 ml 2012 91.00
533 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5010494564273 85.56
534 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494560282 78.07
535 Glenmorangie 1996 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 23 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494956351 88.50
536 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 14 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 5010494951820 84.17
537 Glenmorangie The Accord 12 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 L2382524 5010494955255 84.32
538 Glenmorangie 12-year-old The Lasanta - The Giraffe 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494963328 82.75
539 Glenmorangie 1975 Côte de Nuits Wood Finish Limited Edition 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 89.42
540 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.7 A Lonely Man's Dram 13 52.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 125.7
541 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.15 Sweety delights 13 56.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 125.15 84.00
542 Glenmorangie 1992 SMWS 125.26 Liquid dessert 16 52.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.26 87.75
543 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 21 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1630 91.67
544 Glenmorangie 1983 The Native Ross-Shire 10 57.6 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 2960
545 Glenmorangie 1983 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1994 7209
546 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.4 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 2363
547 Glenmorangie 1990 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 60.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 9601 87.00
548 Glenmorangie 1992 SMWS 125.39 Gateau de Mille-feuilles 18 55.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.39 88.71
549 Glenmorangie 2000 SMWS 125.45 Complex and thought-provoking 10 59.2 % Vol. 700 ml 125.45 83.00
550 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.53 Forbidden sweetness and stolen kisses 14 55.3 % Vol. 700 ml 125.53
551 Glenmorangie 2006 SMWS 125.66 Fruity sweetness and floral perfumes 06 59.7 % Vol. 700 ml 125.66 82.83
552 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.69 A delicious 'Easy Pleaser' 08 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 125.69 88.17
553 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 22 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1840
554 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.25 Bashful but beautifully integrated 16 52.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 125.25
555 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.70 A dram of two halves 08 59.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2013 125.70
556 Glenmorangie 10-year-old DUMMY BOTTLE TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
557 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 59.2 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 5478
558 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.62 Crêpes Suzettes and coffee dregs 10 61.2 % Vol. 750 ml 125.62 88.00
559 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 1893
560 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 55.2 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 9461
561 Glenmorangie 1984 The Native Ross-Shire 10 60.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 4356
562 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 2367 89.00
563 Glenmorangie 1993 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 12 58.2 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 1947 5010494337839 90.17
564 Glenmorangie 2004 SMWS 125.73 Cream horns 11 59.3 % Vol. 700 ml 125.73 87.00
565 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.3 Tickles and promises 13 53.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.3 90.50
566 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml
567 Glenmorangie 1994 SMWS 125.41 Everything under the sun 16 52.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.41 86.50
568 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.54 Christmas in Jamaica 09 61.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 125.54 87.88
569 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.31 Tropicana then luscious poached pears 16 52.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.31 87.33
570 Glenmorangie 1989 SMWS 125.36 A tapestry of tropical tastes 20 51.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.36 89.00
571 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 20 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1690 91.00
572 Glenmorangie 1989 SMWS 125.27 An intriguing specimen 19 51.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.27 87.67
573 Glenmorangie 10-year-old man with scythe backlabel 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450309
574 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2011 5010494561128 86.89
575 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.51 Perfumed sweetness and zesty fruits 09 57.4 % Vol. 700 ml 125.51 85.22
576 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 5010494904468 82.77
577 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5010494564839 86.80
578 Glenmorangie 1991 Natural Cask Strength 13 57.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 7474 85.00
579 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494564273 87.50
580 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2016 5010494560121 80.00
581 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494450163 86.00
582 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 81.00
583 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494560282 84.00
584 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish 10 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2007 79.00
585 Glenmorangie 1977 Limited 1977 Bottling 26 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 5010494674989 90.00
586 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1990 5010494450309
587 Glenmorangie 2004 Distillery Exclusive Release 14 55.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 388 90.00
588 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 84.62
589 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Pioneer Set 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494926583 88.00
590 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Gift Set 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5010494560282 82.00
591 Glenmorangie 1975 Limited 1975 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2004 90.00
592 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.4 Turkish tranquility 13 55.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.4 89.70
593 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1993
594 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494917871 81.43
595 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2016 5010494560121 80.16
596 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494560282 77.67
597 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 81.58
598 Glenmorangie Traditional 100° Proof 10 57.2 % Vol. 1000 ml 2003 5010494677126 85.00
599 Glenmorangie 1981 Pride Baccarat Crystal Decanter by Laurence Brabant 28 56.7 % Vol. 1000 ml 2010 90.18
600 Glenmorangie Siemens Sir William Siemens 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 1993
601 Glenmorangie 15-year-old The Cadboll Estate 15 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 081753832537 83.00
602 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 75.50
603 Glenmorangie 30-year-old Rare Aged - Malaga Cask Finish 30 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 5010494462982 90.57
604 Glenmorangie 1974 Limited 1974 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1998
605 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 22 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 936 5010494656206 92.00
606 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.77 Graceful elegance 15 58.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 125.77 90.10
607 Glenmorangie 1988 Madeira Matured 15 56.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 3078 88.60
608 Glenmorangie A Midwinter Night's Dram Winter Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494929706 83.92
609 Glenmorangie 1974 Limited 1974 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1995 5010494672206 89.13
610 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450309
611 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494917840
612 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2018 5010494560183 77.75
613 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494560282 81.38
614 Glenmorangie 1963 Pure Old Highland Malt Whisky 22 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 91.24
615 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494560282 84.75
616 Glenmorangie Quarter Century 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494570274 89.00
617 Glenmorangie The Tayne Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5010494929287 82.06
618 Glenmorangie Quarter Century 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 88.65
619 Glenmorangie Lasanta 3rd Edition 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494917840 81.69
620 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2021 5010494564273
621 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494564273 86.59
622 Glenmorangie 1977 Limited 1977 Bottling 21 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 5010494674989 89.48
623 Glenmorangie 1971 The Culloden Bottle 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 91.88
624 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494560282 79.97
625 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 501049470307 84.84
626 Glenmorangie Spìos Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494941555 83.18
627 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.21 A Jackpot of Christmas spices 13 56.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.21 87.25
628 Glenmorangie 1984 The Native Ross-Shire 10 60.4 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 4354
629 Glenmorangie 1990 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 15 56.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 5855
630 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 1891
631 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.64 Fruity chocolates in a wooden box 07 60.5 % Vol. 700 ml 125.64 85.70
632 Glenmorangie 1998 SMWS 125.50 Heavenly beauty 12 50.5 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 125.50
633 Glenmorangie 1990 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 60.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 9626 87.00
634 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1991 949 5010494655308
635 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1812
636 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.7 A Lonely Man's Dram 13 52.9 % Vol. 750 ml 125.7
637 Glenmorangie 2000 SMWS 125.44 Honeyed fruits 10 55.9 % Vol. 750 ml 125.44
638 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 1870
639 Glenmorangie 1974 Vintage La Savour Club import 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 91.25
640 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.8 Highly Scoffable 11 57.8 % Vol. 750 ml 2006 125.8
641 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.8 Highly Scoffable 11 57.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.8
642 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 5010494564273 86.00
643 Glenmorangie 1991 Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 58.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 5448 83.80
644 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 5341 86.50
645 Glenmorangie 1990 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 59.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 9596
646 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.18 A Chocolate Valentine 13 56.9 % Vol. 700 ml 125.18 89.80
647 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 20 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1701 91.50
648 Glenmorangie 1982 JM Fine Malt Selection - Miniature 10 58.0 % Vol. 50 ml
649 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010494470208
650 Glenmorangie Rare Cask Rare Cask 16 55.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 1784 5010494954289
651 Glenmorangie 1982 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.6 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 5337 89.75
652 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.11 with music 11 57.0 % Vol. 500 ml 2007 125.11 89.00
653 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.6 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 1933
654 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.2 Everything ... and the kitchen sink 11 53.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.2 88.00
655 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 56.8 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 5134 5010494655209
656 Glenmorangie 2006 Distillery Exclusive Release 12 55.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 12836
657 Glenmorangie Nectar D'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494917871 85.24
658 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt Scotch Whisky 10 70 (proof) 378 ml 1970
659 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013 5010494560121 79.57
660 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494564273 88.00
661 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 60.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 4318 89.00
662 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5010494564839
663 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 22 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1994 1830 5010494656206
664 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 5010494564273
665 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 081753810818 79.91
666 Glenmorangie 1993 100 Best U.K. Companies 10 56.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 90.50
667 Glenmorangie Lasanta 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5010494562286 84.67
668 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 84.75
669 Glenmorangie Traditional 100° Proof 10 57.2 % Vol. 1000 ml 2004 5010494677126
670 Glenmorangie 1974 Limited 1974 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1996 5010494672206 87.00
671 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 86 (proof) 946 ml 81.00
672 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494564273
673 Glenmorangie Dornoch Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494921090 83.67
674 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5010494563283 85.00
675 Glenmorangie 30-year-old Rare Aged - Oloroso Cask Finish 30 44.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5010494495980 89.25
676 Glenmorangie 1993 - 'Swamp' Oak Cask Rare Limited Edition 55.7 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 1946 5010494336832 89.00
677 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 82.92
678 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2016 081753810849 85.40
679 Glenmorangie Bacalta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 84.71
680 Glenmorangie 2004 SMWS 125.75 In search of serenity 13 57.3 % Vol. 700 ml 125.75 86.00
681 Glenmorangie 1975 Limited 1975 Bottling 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2001 88.48
682 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494560282 77.29
683 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (1st Generation) 10 70 (proof) 757 ml 85.45
684 Glenmorangie The Duthac Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5010494924916 80.22
685 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494560282 78.63
686 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2016 5010494560121 71.67
687 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 87.00
688 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.47 Greta Garbo 15 56.1 % Vol. 700 ml 125.47 87.07
689 Glenmorangie 12-year-old Millennium Malt 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494461282 81.56
690 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494917871 83.86
691 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1990
692 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494564273 84.26
693 Glenmorangie The Tribute Heritage Spirit Batch 16 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5010494955514 81.48
694 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 350 ml 84.38
695 Glenmorangie The Cadboll Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494939095 83.21
696 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 4th Edition 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494951813 87.00
697 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 2nd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5010494561128 84.33
698 Glenmorangie The Duthac Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5010494924916 81.69
699 Glenmorangie Nectar d'Òr 3rd Edition 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494917871 83.77
700 Glenmorangie Artein Private Edition 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5010494907599 87.33
701 Glenmorangie Malaga Wood Finish 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 5010494488289 88.50
702 Glenmorangie Astar 52.5 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 081753829964 86.91
703 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494564273 87.67
704 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494450149 78.23
705 Glenmorangie A Tale of Cake Limited Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2020 081753833404 82.82
706 Glenmorangie A Midwinter Night's Dram Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5010494929706 83.79
707 Glenmorangie Astar 52.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494940732 85.07
708 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.23 Murray Mints and Fairy Cakes 11 57.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.23 80.00
709 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.19 A Girl Band's latest hit 13 56.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.19 92.00
710 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.25 Bashful but beautifully integrated 16 52.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.25 86.33
711 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995
712 Glenmorangie 1991 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 57.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5453 90.00
713 Glenmorangie 1991 SMWS 125.43 Dancing dolls in flower meadows 18 54.7 % Vol. 700 ml 125.43 89.50
714 Glenmorangie 2000 SMWS 125.46 Bright and vivacious 11 55.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 125.46 86.67
715 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.55 Nursery Tea 10 60.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 125.55 86.50
716 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 19 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1992 1684
717 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 22 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1837
718 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 22 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1724 94.00
719 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 57.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 4336
720 Glenmorangie 1989 SMWS 125.27 An intriguing specimen 19 51.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 125.27
721 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.6 % Vol. 750 ml 1991 978
722 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 21 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 1718 92.00
723 Glenmorangie 1994 SMWS 125.38 Grandual seduction 16 51.1 % Vol. 700 ml 125.38 87.00
724 Glenmorangie 1981 The Native Ross-Shire 10 59.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1992 946
725 Glenmorangie 1991 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 5449 82.00
726 Glenmorangie 1994 SMWS 125.38 Grandual seduction 16 51.1 % Vol. 750 ml 125.38 74.00
727 Glenmorangie 1972 Single Barrel Vintage 20 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 1691 65.00
728 Glenmorangie 1991 Speakeasy Hand bottled - available only at the distillery 58.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5447
729 Glenmorangie 1980 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990 4345
730 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.13 Knock knock ... 12 55.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 125.13 81.50
731 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.6 Toffee, toffee, toffee 11 57.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.6 90.00
732 Glenmorangie 1983 The Native Ross-Shire 10 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 2961 86.00
733 Glenmorangie 2000 SMWS 125.59 Spun sugar on polished wood 10 59.9 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 125.59 87.75
734 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450828 81.00
735 Glenmorangie 1989 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017
736 Glenmorangie 1983 The Native Ross-Shire 10 57.6 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 3428 88.50
737 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Highland Malt - Charles Hosie import 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450309 83.75
738 Glenmorangie 1975 Port Wood Finish 46.8 % Vol. 700 ml 1994 92.00
739 Glenmorangie 1979 Limited 1979 Bottling 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 88.67
740 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 87.50
741 Glenmorangie 1983 The Native Ross-Shire 10 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1993 3429
742 Glenmorangie 2006 Distillery Exclusive Release 12 55.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 8664 90.00
743 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494450149 85.00
744 Glenmorangie 2001 SMWS 125.60 Expanding universe of flavour 10 60.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 125.60 86.86
745 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Gift Set 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 75.00
746 Glenmorangie 1991 SMWS 125.37 Liquid After Eight 18 56.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 125.37 89.00
747 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494564273 90.50
748 Glenmorangie 10-year-old still man back label, Martini & Rossi Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
749 Glenmorangie The Tayne Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2016 79.00
750 Glenmorangie 1990 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 15 57.6 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 5979 84.00
751 Glenmorangie The Tayne Legends 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2017 5010494929287 81.61
752 Glenmorangie 1993 Burr Oak Reserve 10 56.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5010494158731 85.54
753 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original - Gift Set 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 78.00
754 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 88.00
755 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Malt 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494470307 88.78
756 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494450309 82.00
757 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (4th Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
758 Glenmorangie A Midwinter Night's Dram Limited Edition 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015
759 Glenmorangie Port Wood Finish Second Edition 46.8 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494680287 85.00
760 Glenmorangie 15-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 15 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 8002575540 86.00
761 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494560282
762 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494560282 80.80
763 Glenmorangie Traditional 100° Proof 10 57.2 % Vol. 1000 ml 2005 5010494677126 84.00
764 Glenmorangie Quinta Ruban 1st Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5010494561289 83.12
765 Glenmorangie 1981 Sauternes Wood Finish 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 5010494690989 88.47
766 Glenmorangie 27-year-old Rare Cask 27 55.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5010494952315 89.21
767 Glenmorangie 1975 Tain l'Hermitage 28 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 5010494423983 92.00
768 Glenmorangie Spìos Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 081753830083 86.50
769 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494560282 79.50
770 Glenmorangie The Elementa Traveller's Exclusive 14 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5010494955385 82.35
771 Glenmorangie 1994 Single Cask Rare Limited Edition 11 56.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 1385 84.57
772 Glenmorangie 15-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 15 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010494682304 86.27
773 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.77 Graceful elegance 15 58.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2020 125.77
774 Glenmorangie 1996 SMWS 125.16 Dinner can wait! 12 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 125.16 88.00
775 Glenmorangie 1987 Distillery Manager's Choice 13 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 41 91.00
776 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.78 Refined rancio 15 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 125.78 90.00
777 Glenmorangie 1998 SMWS 125.50 Heavenly beauty 12 50.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 125.50 84.46
778 Glenmorangie 10-year-old The Original 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 79.37
779 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494564273 84.50
780 Glenmorangie 10-year-old TEN YEARS OLD (3rd Generation) 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996
781 Glenmorangie Sonnalta PX Private Collection 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 87.59
782 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Extremely Rare 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5010494564273 85.56
783 Glenmorangie Ealanta Private Edition 19 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5010494912784 88.49
784 Glenmorangie The Taghta Cask Masters Selection 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010494923605 85.82
785 Glenmorangie 26-year-old Truffle oak reserve 26 55.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 88.33
786 Glenmorangie 1990 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5010494934823 89.95
787 Glenmorangie Finealta Private Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 5010494903584 84.90
788 Glenmorangie Margaux Cask Finish 18 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 5010494355703 87.71
789 Glenmorangie Sauternes Wood Finish 15 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2004 5010494468830 86.33
790 Glenmorangie Artein Private Edition 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 87.00
791 Glenmorangie A Tale of Cake Limited Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494965056 85.35
792 Glenmorangie Ealanta Private Edition 19 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 89.88
793 Glenmorangie 1992 SMWS 125.24 A spice tree in the Caribbean 16 52.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.24 86.00
794 Glenmorangie 1998 SMWS 125.48 Old-fashioned tea chests and maple candy 12 52.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 125.48 83.67
795 Glenmorangie 1995 SMWS 125.5 Tea-roses and lemon sherbet 11 54.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.5 87.00
796 Glenmorangie 10-year-old Bacardi-Martini Import 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 3011932002458
797 Glenmorangie A Tale Of Cake Limited Edition 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494965056 87.33
798 Glenmorangie 1989 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010494943351 90.12
799 Glenmorangie 1989 SMWS 125.30 Winnie the Pooh in a garden centre 19 50.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.30 89.80
800 Glenmorangie 2004 SMWS 125.73 Cream horns 11 59.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2016 125.73
801 Glenmorangie 10-year-old 10 YEARS OLD (2nd Generation) 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010494450149 85.13
802 Glenmorangie 1997 SMWS 125.28 Werther's Originals in a tweed jacket 12 56.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.28 85.00
803 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.76 Like meeting an old friend 14 57.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 125.76 88.00
804 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.10 Jamaican ginger cake and Havana tobacco 13 56.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 125.10 87.67
805 Glenmorangie 2002 SMWS 125.58 A picket fence round an orchard 11 57.1 % Vol. 100 ml 2013 125.58
806 Glenmorangie 2005 SMWS 125.76 Like meeting an old friend 14 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 125.76 88.60
807 Glenmorangie 1993 SMWS 125.22 Vibrant and exotic 16 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 125.22 87.33
808 Glenmorangie 1993 - Grand Vintage Malt Bond House No. 1 Collection 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010494949780 88.50
809 Glenmorangie 14-year-old The Quinta Ruban - The Giraffe 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5010494963571 86.18
810 Glenmorangie 1998 SMWS 125.48 Old-fashioned tea chests and maple candy 12 52.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 125.48
811 Glenmorangie 18-year-old Single Highland Rare Malt Scotch Whisky 18 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 501049470307 84.81



Since 2016 北京


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