
时间:2021-05-24 23:22点击:
Glendullan格伦杜兰酒厂官网: 威士忌酒 尽管自2007年以来发行的酒主要以 Singleton商标(帝亚吉欧面向欧洲的业务范围的一部分)发现,但Glendullan的Dufftown酿酒厂有一系列官方装瓶。Glend

Glendullan是一种单一麦芽 苏格兰威士忌,由Speyside地区的Glendullan酒厂生产。格兰达兰(Glendullan)由帝亚吉欧(Diageo)拥有。


尽管自2007年以来发行的酒主要以“ Singleton”商标(帝亚吉欧面向欧洲的业务范围的一部分)发现,但Glendullan的Dufftown酿酒厂有一系列官方装瓶。Glendullan是专门针对美国的Singleton。官方装瓶包括8Year Old,12Year Old,16Year Old和23Year Old。酿酒厂也有一系列独立的装瓶厂。其中的大多数由高登(Gordon&MacPhail)和西格纳(Vintage)进行,并主要集中在较老的木桶上。多年来,Glendullan生产的大多数单一麦芽威士忌已用于混合酒中例如William's和Old Parr。因此,尽管近年来这种情况已开始发生变化,但格伦杜兰作为单一麦芽的知名度相对较低。














Glendullan酿酒厂位于世界上最繁忙的威士忌酒区之一:达夫敦。该镇目前有不少于六个活跃的酿酒厂和三个目前关闭的酿酒厂。来自阿伯丁的调酒师William Willams&Sons于1898年创立了Glendullan。这家新的酿酒厂立即大获成功,成为爱德华七世国王的最爱,1902年,Royal Request为其提供了国王。在1919年,公司更名为Macdonald,Greenlees&Williams Ltd,然后在1926年被Distillers Company Limited接管。DCL决定将Glendullan移交给另一家酿酒厂的管理,因此1939年SMD接管了该厂的控制权。 


1962年,SMD在现场进行了大规模翻新,安装了两个全新的蒸馏。十年后的1972年,该厂进行了大规模改建,其中包括在原酿酒厂旁边建造一座全新的酿酒厂。新的酿酒厂容纳了六个蒸馏器,这是驱动今天生产的三种烈酒和洗涤蒸馏器。几年来,最初的酿酒厂和新建的酿酒厂同时运作,直到前者在1985年英国大萧条期间被封存。同年,Diageo将Glendullan添加到他们不断增长的投资组合中,从而购买了SMD。1995年,格伦杜兰(Glendullan)作为单一麦芽威士忌发布。作为Diageo Rare Malts系列的一部分,旨在提高酒厂的知名度。尽管大部分产品仍用于混合,但Glendullan越来越被称为单一麦芽威士忌。 

  •  Singleton Glendullan ReserveGame of Thrones House Tully


    Singleton Glendullan ReserveGame of Thrones House Tully

    70cl / 40%


    (£48.50 per litre)

  •  Single Malts Discovery Mini Pack (Talisker 10Cardhu 12 Singleton 12)

    Single Malts Discovery Mini Pack (Talisker 10Cardhu 12 Singleton 12)

    15cl / 41.9%


    (£8.97 per 10cl)

  • Singleton of Dufftown 12 Year Old

    Singleton of Dufftown 12 Year Old

    70cl / 40%


    (£52.79 per litre)

  • Singleton of Dufftown 15 Year Old

    Singleton of Dufftown 15 Year Old

    70cl / 40%


    (£71.36 per litre)

  •  Singleton of Dufftown 200217 Year Old Special Releases 2020


    Singleton of Dufftown 200217 Year Old Special Releases 2020

    70cl / 55.1%


    (£154.29 per litre)

  •  Singleton of Dufftown 1985 Sample28 Year Old

    Singleton of Dufftown 1985 Sample28 Year Old

    3cl / 52.3%


    (£64.83 per 10cl)

  •  Singleton of Dufftown 12 Year Old2 Glass Set

    Singleton of Dufftown 12 Year Old2 Glass Set

    70cl / 40%


    (£59.93 per litre)

  •  Singleton of Dufftown 198528 Year Old

    Singleton of Dufftown 198528 Year Old

    70cl / 52.3%


    (£392.86 per litre)

  • The Singleton of Glen Ord 38 Year Old

    The Singleton of Glen Ord 38 Year Old

    70cl / 49.6%


    (£3,000 per litre)

  •  Singleton of Auchroisk 20 Year Old20th Anniversary

    Singleton of Auchroisk 20 Year Old20th Anniversary

    75cl / 59%


    (£1,266.67 per litre)

# 名称 规定的年份 酒精度 容量 装瓶 桶号 条形码 评分
1 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1976 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml
2 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1975 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml
3 The Singleton of Glen Ord Trinité Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013 84.50
4 The Singleton of Glendullan 12-year-old Miniature 12 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 78.00
5 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1987 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1999
6 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1981 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1992
7 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1976 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1989
8 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1980 Particular 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 0015 - 0165 90.50
9 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 81.80
10 The Singleton of Glen Ord Signature Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 80.67
11 The Singleton of Glendullan 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 86.00
12 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old Miniature 12 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 75.67
13 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 84.60
14 The Singleton of Auchroisk 10-year-old 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010103801362 78.29
15 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1976 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5010103801300 88.25
16 The Singleton of Dufftown Artisan Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 83.03
17 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1981 Miniature 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml
18 The Singleton of Glen Ord Signature - Finished In Sherry Cask 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 74.00
19 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990
20 The Singleton of Glendullan Liberty Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281032849
21 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 84.00
22 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1975 Miniature 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 81.25
23 The Singleton of Dufftown 25-year-old 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 75.50
24 The Singleton of Glendullan 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 77.11
25 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 84.25
26 The Singleton of Glendullan Trinity Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml
27 The Singleton of Dufftown 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 80.00
28 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 088076179684 70.00
29 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 088076179684 67.57
30 The Singleton of Glendullan 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281042480 79.12
31 The Singleton of Glendullan 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281042589 82.00
32 The Singleton of Glen Ord Signature Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 79.00
33 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 Miniature 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml
34 The Singleton of Dufftown 21-year-old 21 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
35 The Singleton of Glen Ord Signature Slow Batch Distilled 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 78.00
36 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1981 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 81.60
37 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 88.67
38 The Singleton of Glen Ord Distillery Exclusive 48.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 84.00
39 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5000281050171 79.00
40 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5010103801409
41 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1976 Miniature 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml
42 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1975 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
43 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1975 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 81.11
44 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 Miniature 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml
45 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1985 Miniature 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 81.00
46 The Singleton of Auchroisk 10-year-old Miniature 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 78.00
47 The Singleton of Auchroisk Single Malt Scotch Whisky 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 80.00
48 The Singleton of Dufftown Spey Cascade - Gift Set 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
49 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1985 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1997 85.00
50 The Singleton of Glendullan 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 088076180765
51 The Singleton of Glendullan 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 81.50
52 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010103801362 85.50
53 The Singleton of Glen Ord Liberté Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2014 83.67
54 The Singleton of Auchroisk 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 89.00
55 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1977 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990
56 The Singleton of Dufftown Spey Cascade 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281037608 76.59
57 The Singleton of Dufftown Tailfire 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 76.85
58 The Singleton of Dufftown Sunray 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5000281036762 75.67
59 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1985 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1998
60 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1976 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1990
61 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1991
62 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1981 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 82.38
63 The Singleton of Auchroisk 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 89.00
64 The Singleton of Glendullan 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml
65 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5000281023212
66 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 10 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994
67 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281021638 80.00
68 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 90.50
69 The Singleton of Glendullan Classic 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5000281041742
70 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1976 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 83.20
71 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 40.0 % Vol. 500 ml 2019 80.00
72 The Singleton of Dufftown 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 78.33
73 The Singleton of Glendullan 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281042527 81.69
74 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 500281032573 76.60
75 The Singleton of Dufftown 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281026626 79.72
76 The Singleton of Glen Ord 41-year-old The Forgotten Drop Series 41 49.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2017
77 The Singleton of Glen Ord 40-year-old Master's Casks Limited Edition 40 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
78 The Singleton of Glen Ord Limited Edition Natural Cask Strength - 2nd Release 57.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5000281033129 86.00
79 The Singleton of Glen Ord Unité Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013 79.00
80 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1981 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010103801362 82.75
81 The Singleton of Glen Ord 18-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2019 18 55.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 088076184619 87.67
82 The Singleton of Glendullan 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281042534 79.33
83 The Singleton of Dufftown Trinité Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281032863 79.55
84 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1974 20th Anniversary 20 59.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1994 90.53
85 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2007 5000281021638 72.74
86 The Singleton of Glen Ord 14-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2018 14 57.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000281052021 85.06
87 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old Pocket Edition 12 40.0 % Vol. 200 ml 2019 5000281054056 79.00
88 The Singleton of Dufftown 1966 Paragon of Time Collection 54 44.1 % Vol. 700 ml
89 The Singleton of Dufftown Malt Masters Selection Easy&Mellow 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 Batch 1106 5000281051413 76.85
90 The Singleton of Dufftown 15-year-old New Version 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281026626 79.00
91 The Singleton of Glen Ord 32-year-old Limited Edition 32 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007
92 The Singleton of Glen Ord 12-year-old Miniature 12 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 5000281032559
93 The Singleton of Auchroisk Single Malt Scotch Whisky 10 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 2006
94 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1980 Particular 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 0015 - 0165 89.00
95 The Singleton of Glen Ord 43-year-old The Forgotten Drop Series 43 48.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2019
96 The Singleton of Glen Ord 35-year-old Summer & Winter - Cask Edition 35 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012
97 The Singleton of Glen Ord 1975 Limited Edition 32 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007
98 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5000281028620 83.00
99 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1982 Particular 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1996 0015 - 0165
100 The Singleton of Dufftown Unité Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013 78.31
101 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5000281021621 76.04
102 The Singleton of Glendullan Select - House Tully Game of Thrones 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5000267173856 77.10
103 The Singleton of Glendullan 12-year-old Light, Fruity & Creamy 12 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281042480
104 The Singleton of Dufftown 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281026626 77.62
105 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021621 77.60
106 The Singleton of Dufftown Malt Master's Selection 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 Batch 1106 5000281051413 79.50
107 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000281028620 79.95
108 The Singleton of Glendullan Select - House Tully Game of Thrones 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2018 088076183025 76.24
109 The Singleton of Glen Ord Limited Edition Natural Cask Strength - 1st Release 58.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2013
110 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2012 5000281028637
111 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1978 Particular 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1992 0001 - 0059 90.00
112 The Singleton of Glen Ord 42-year-old The Forgotten Drop Series 42 49.3 % Vol. 700 ml
113 The Singleton of Dufftown 21-year-old cask strength edition 21 54.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5000281043784 94.00
114 The Singleton of Glen Ord 18-year-old Cask Strength - Limited Edition 18 58.4 % Vol. 700 ml
115 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1994 5010103801362 85.00
116 The Singleton of Dufftown 1964 Paragon of Time Collection 53 40.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2019
117 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5000281021621 74.56
118 The Singleton of Glendullan 41-year-old The Forgotten Drop Series 41 57.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2019
119 The Singleton of Glen Ord 12-year-old Perfectly Balanced 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021010 80.11
120 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5000281021621 75.86
121 The Singleton of Glendullan Double Matured 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5000281041636 78.50
122 The Singleton of Glendullan Select - House Tully Game of Thrones 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 78.00
123 The Singleton of Glendullan 1976 Diageo Special Releases 2014 38 59.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5000281038780 91.67
124 The Singleton of Glen Ord 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5000281026923 80.80
125 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5000281028620 82.00
126 The Singleton of Glen Ord 38-year-old 38 49.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5000281063232 88.00
127 The Singleton of Glen Ord 18-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2019 18 55.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5000281059235 86.82
128 The Singleton of Glen Ord 35-year-old Limited Edition 35 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 90.33
129 The Singleton of Glen Ord 14-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2018 14 57.6 % Vol. 750 ml 2018 5000281052038
130 The Singleton of Dufftown 1988 Prima & Ultima - Miniature 30 48.8 % Vol. 20 ml 2019
131 The Singleton of Glendullan Double Matured 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2019 5000281041636
132 The Singleton of Glen Ord 18-year-old Slow Batch Distilled 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 85.00
133 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5000281028620 80.41
134 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1979 Particular 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1993 0001 - 0011
135 The Singleton of Glendullan Double Matured 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 5000281041636 79.90
136 The Singleton of Glen Ord 16-year-old The Manager's Dram 16 62.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 88.50
137 The Singleton of Glendullan Classic 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 5000281041728 77.92
138 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1985 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 89.00
139 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5000281021621 74.27
140 The Singleton of Glen Ord 15-year-old 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5000281026923 80.07
141 The Singleton of Glendullan Select - House Tully Game of Thrones 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000267173856 78.44
142 The Singleton of Glen Ord 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021027 83.00
143 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1983 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 81.44
144 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old Luscious Nectar 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021621 78.15
145 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5000281021621 81.00
146 The Singleton of Dufftown 17-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2020 17 55.1 % Vol. 750 ml 2020
147 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old - Gift Set Gift Pack - with glass 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281054476 63.00
148 The Singleton of Glendullan 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 088076180574 82.00
149 The Singleton of Auchroisk 1981 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 88.00
150 The Singleton of Dufftown 1988 Prima & Ultima 30 48.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 88.33
151 The Singleton of Dufftown Malt Master's Selection 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml Blend Ref. 1106 80.25
152 The Singleton of Glendullan Select - House Tully Game of Thrones 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 5000267173856 81.00
153 The Singleton of Glen Ord 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021027 82.87
154 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021621 81.00
155 The Singleton of Glen Ord Artisan Reserve Collection 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2013 82.92
156 The Singleton of Auchroisk 10-year-old 10 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2000 83.00
157 The Singleton of Dufftown 17-year-old Diageo Special Releases 2020 17 55.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5000281063539 85.51
158 The Singleton of Dufftown 18-year-old 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 5000281028620 80.46
159 The Singleton of Glen Ord 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 5000281021010 80.70
160 The Singleton of Dufftown 15-year-old Fruity Decadence 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281026626 80.17
161 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old Luscious Nectar 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 5000281021621 85.00
162 The Singleton of Dufftown 1985 Diageo Special Releases 2013 28 52.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5000281034577 86.34
163 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5000281021621 76.20
164 The Singleton of Dufftown 12-year-old - Gift Set Gift Pack - with 2 glasses 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5000281021621 69.67
165 The Singleton of Glen Ord 2008 Hand Filled Distillery Exclusive 11 54.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 308296 86.00
166 The Singleton of Glendullan Master's Art Small Batch 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2015 Batch MR/15/SR 5000281041698 82.44
167 The Singleton of Glendullan 40-year-old The Forgotten Drop Series 40 58.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 88.75