您可能是出于对威士忌的兴趣而被介绍给我们的Distiller平台的,但发现我们还撰写了有关杜松子酒的文章。如果您不熟悉并且想了解这一类别,我们将介绍一些基本知识。我们自己的烈酒总监兼编辑斯蒂芬妮·莫雷诺(Stephanie Moreno)向您介绍杜松子酒的介绍: 什么是杜松子酒?简而言之,杜松子酒是杜松子味的伏特加酒。杜松子酒的每种样式都需要Juniper(Genever也需要)。您从中立的烈酒开始,这是通过蒸馏农产品而获得的。通常使用谷物,但是可以使用马铃薯,葡萄和糖。在蒸馏过程中的某些时候,将杜松和其他植物药添加到蒸馏器中。有时将植物药加入锅中并浸泡(很像泡茶)。有时通过蒸气注入来注入植物药。它们被放置在静止不动的篮子中,而烈酒则通过它们,捕捉了它们的本质。加入水,有时加中性的烈酒,使杜松子酒降至所需的装瓶标准。 那GENEVER呢?源自“杜松”的Genever首先是麦芽酒,根本不是葡萄酒。从粗略的角度来看,它的开始就像制作许多威士忌一样。发酵b(通常由黑麦,玉米和/或小麦组成,并带有少许发芽的大麦)。然后在锅中蒸馏。这种麦芽酒比在蒸馏塔中蒸馏出的馏出物重,更坚固。这种坚固的基础是与杜松馏出物混合,通常还添加了其他植物药。 麦芽酒中的麦芽酒数量会影响最终结果。一个欧德瑞士日内瓦使用更多麦芽酒和一些糖在旧式的制造。甲容格 瑞士日内瓦是由具有更小麦芽酒的和更接近传统的干杜松子酒。有时属属已老化。在考虑在鸡尾酒中普遍使用时,应将其更像是威士忌,而不是干杜松子酒。实际上,它确实介于两者之间,符合口味要求。如果您认为自己不喜欢杜松子酒,但喜欢威士忌,那就试试genver。这可能会让您感到惊讶。 杜松子酒的起源是什么?杜松子酒的前身,generver的发明功劳,是在1500年代后期向比利时和荷兰低地国家的荷兰人提供的。为了使酒口感适中,加入杜松和糖以改善口感。荷兰东印度公司确保除了杜松之外,还应稳定添加来自世界各地的香料。随着香料的涌入,基因在世界范围内大量涌出。在1652年开始的英荷战争中,英国人开始对一般人产生兴趣。 杜松子酒(Gin Lane),威廉·霍加斯(William Hogarth) Genever’s rise in popularity grew even further in Britain thanks to their new Dutch king, William III. He, along with his wife Mary, were crowned joint monarchs in 1689. King William subsidized distillation from grain in order to quell the importation and consumption of French brandy. This sparked the Gin Craze in England and in particular, London in the 1700’s. This craze is often compared to the crack epidemic in the 1980’s. This craze eventually subsided after several decades and people of all classes were enjoying genever, known simply as “gen”. The quality began to improve and with the invention of the column-still, folks were able to turn out a decidedly different product. What started as genever, eventually became the dry gin as we know it today. WHAT ABOUT THE AMERICANS?Even as early as the colonial period, we Americans were drinking what we called “Hollands” or genever as it was being imported here. This continued through most of the 1800’s until the end of the 19th century when London Dry gin began to make its appearance. Even through Prohibition (when we had to resort to bathtub gin) and through both World Wars, gin was enjoyed throughout the country. That is, until vodka started to take over in the 1950’s. By the 1970’s and 80’s, gin was out of vogue completely and we entered the Dark Ages of the Cocktail. (Please find Tom Cruise in “Cocktail” as he recites “The Last Barman Poet” for a rundown of the drinks.) WHERE ARE WE TODAY?Of course, today, everything old is new again. Gin has made its comeback, beginning in part with Bombay Sapphire’s gorgeous blue bottle which was introduced in 1987. Hendrick’s made a splash in 2001 when it came on the scene steering away from classic gin botanicals with its rose and cucumber use. The cocktail renaissance that we are currently in has caused there to be quite an interest in gin because, as it turns out, gin is used in quite a lot of classic cocktails. And genever is making quite the comeback itself (it was still being made and consumed in its home countries, but had limited availability elsewhere). Bols reintroduced their Original Bols Genever在2008年,越来越多的品牌正在慢慢扩大其覆盖范围。在美国,甚至有一些蒸馏酒酿造出通用风格的烈酒。 现代杜松子酒我们美国人追随亨德里克(Hendrick)的领导,制造了一些杜松子酒,尽管他们仍然使用杜松,但对这种植物药的重视程度却较低。2006年发布的航空杜松子酒最著名的是其植物成分:小豆蔻豆蔻,熏衣草和子。我们引入了杜松子酒生产中不常用的其他植物药-松针,接骨木花,豆蔻,洋甘菊,苹果等植物药-就是极限。您会看到术语“新西餐”或“美式”或“当代”来描述这些杜松子酒。在世界其他地区,我们甚至简单地称它们为“现代”,并且(甚至是古老的英格兰)也正在制造这些类型的杜松子酒。从技术上讲,它们通常制成伦敦干或杜松子酒。 桶装杜松子酒工艺蒸馏一直在增长,而我们对更多威士忌的需求反过来又创造了其他东西:桶装杜松子酒。工艺酿酒师通常在等待威士忌陈年的同时,蒸馏伏特加酒和杜松子酒以立即出售。当他们成熟时,杜松子酒会在桶中短暂停留,为杜松子酒创造新的尺寸。您可以放心,调酒师正在利用它们来制作新的鸡尾酒。 |