威士忌123 - 中国威士忌酒品牌网移动版

主页 > 专题 > 苏格兰威士忌酒厂 > 斯佩塞Speyside >




Glenrothes因其140多年威士忌酿造传统的品质,结构和风味而闻名。自开业以来,酿酒厂的威士忌一直是Speyside最受欢迎的威士忌之一。2018年,25岁的Glenrothes被授予Ultimates Spirits Challenge的最高荣誉,最佳Speyside单一麦芽奖的主席奖杯。










该酿酒厂由詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stuart&Co)于1878年建造,当时他还在附近的麦卡伦酿酒厂工作。1879年12月28日,即Tay Bridge灾难发生的同一天,第一杯威士忌从蒸馏瓶中流了下来。











在燃烧的另一面,新的调料酒精被转移到我们的灌装店,并通过我们自己的水源进行还原,准备将其装满木桶。那是在我们的仓库旁边,这些仓库使The Glenrothes威士忌慢慢地成熟到了完美的年龄。除了仓库之外,在右边隐藏着的地方,您会找到制桶和木桶商店。







我们称其为“生命之水” Uisge Beatha。每瓶酒都含有这种元素液体的宝贵遗产,并且由于我们确切地知道水的来源,因此我们可以确保每滴酒都有助于威士忌的无可挑剔的特性。


雪利酒调味桶:The Glenrothes的精髓




Glenrothes酿酒厂的历史始于两个杰出人物的故事。詹姆斯·斯图亚特(James Stuart)最初是在罗特斯(Rothes)镇建立新酿酒厂的愿景,而威廉·夏普(Reverend William Sharp)牧师筹集了所需资金,以挽救酿酒厂免于毁灭,并使詹姆斯·斯图亚特的梦想变为现实。



詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stuart)在罗特斯(Rothes)镇出生并长大,对威士忌情有独钟。他可以看到蒸馏提供了光明的未来,并决定在他的故乡Rothes建立一个新的蒸馏厂,该酿酒厂将能够比同龄人制造出更轻盈,更富果味的精神。
詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stuart)懂威士忌。他还知道,要制作出最好的单一麦芽酒,木材的成分和时间将至关重要。因此,在他的酿酒厂,他将确保不急于提高产量。取而代之的是,酿造出一种果味浓郁,能够制造出更清淡,更柔和的威士忌的酒,将持续必要的时间,而不是更少的时间。他还坚信,他庄园内的每桶木桶都将由当地木桶匠精心采购和照料,他们会带给他们关于木魔术的永恒知识。在Glenrothes,没有捷径可走。
他开始与当地商人罗伯特·迪克(Robert Dick)和威廉·格兰特(William Grant)合作在Rothes Burn附近的一家老纸厂中建造它。但是在1878年夏天,一场金融危机席卷了整个国家,他们再也无法为酿酒厂的建设提供资金了。詹姆斯走到一边,离开罗伯特和威廉,对下一步该如何做感到困惑。


牧师威廉·夏普牧师是附近长城阿奇斯敦的联合长老会教堂的牧师,以讲道警告他的教区居民防范诱惑的罪恶而闻名。然而,尽管威廉·夏普(William Sharp)以举足轻重的声誉而著称,但他还是一个有原则的人,他对上帝的奉献只有他对社区的奉献才能与之抗衡。在斯佩塞德(Speyside),威士忌是该社区的骨干。


作为威士忌酒的人,詹姆斯·斯图尔特(James Stuart)坚信,他应该将传统的蒸馏方法与生产技术的最新进展结合起来使用。他的信念建立在四个基本原则上:获得附近的水源以确保其新酿造精神的卓越和纯净,比平常蒸馏慢以制造出他所追求的麦芽单一麦芽,最好的雪利酒调味桶提供各种口味和始终以自然色瓶装的威士忌。


Gordon Motion,Glenrothes威士忌制造商


自2009年接任约翰·拉姆齐(John Ramsay)以来,高登·莫顿(Gordon Motion)一直是格伦罗西斯(Glenrothes)的威士忌制造商,在他的指导下进行了11年的深入研究。在那段时间里,他利用自己的知识来制作我们最好的威士忌。如果没有Rothes以及以后各代威士忌制造商的关心,专业知识和技能,就不会有Glenrothes。每个瓶子都是对他们的证明,也是对他们工艺的一种庆祝。


酿酒厂经理就像一个伟大乐团的指挥一样,这就是为什么我们很幸运能有阿拉斯代尔·安德森(Alasdair Anderson)担任Glenrothes酿酒厂经理的原因。Alasdair负责生产和仓储业务-并花费大量时间来维持其精神的极高标准,自1879年以来,他的杰出精神就是这种精神的产生。
Glenrothes酿酒厂经理Alasdair Anderson


最小的球队,但有些人会认为最繁忙的 - 和最吵闹 - 在酒厂,是我们的箍桶,担负着我国由布莱恩率领木桶的采购和赔偿。它们在维持我们的木料的卓越和耐用性的作用是确保格伦罗西斯斯佩塞单一麦芽的每木桶的卓越至关重要。

  • Glenrothes 12 Year Old

    Glenrothes 12 Year Old

    70cl / 40%


    (£59.93 per litre)

  • Glenrothes 10 Year Old

    Glenrothes 10 Year Old

    70cl / 40%


    (£52.07 per litre)

  • Glenrothes Whisky Maker's Cut

    Glenrothes Whisky Maker's Cut

    70cl / 48.8%


    (£79.93 per litre)

  • Glenrothes 18 Year Old

    Glenrothes 18 Year Old

    70cl / 43%


    (£150 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 20119 Year Old Sherry Finish Carn Mor Strictly Limited

    Glenrothes 20119 Year Old Sherry Finish Carn Mor Strictly Limited

    70cl / 47.5%


    (£77.07 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 200515 Year Old Old Particular Purim Edition 2021

    Glenrothes 200515 Year Old Old Particular Purim Edition 2021

    70cl / 56.6%


    (£200 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 11 Year OldSherry Cask Discovery Series

    Glenrothes 11 Year OldSherry Cask Discovery Series

    70cl / 43%


    (£71.36 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 12 Year OldGlass Pack

    Glenrothes 12 Year OldGlass Pack

    70cl / 40%


    (£71.36 per litre)

  • Glenrothes 12 Year Old Sample

    Glenrothes 12 Year Old Sample

    3cl / 40%


    (£16.50 per 10cl)

  •  Glenrothes 199622 Year Old Signatory

    Glenrothes 199622 Year Old Signatory

    70cl / 54%


    (£257.14 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1995Bot.2016

    Glenrothes 1995Bot.2016

    75cl / 43%


    (£166.67 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1996Jack Wiebers

    Glenrothes 1996Jack Wiebers

    70cl / 51.7%


    (£257.14 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 198930 Year Old Whisky Trail Retro Cars

    Glenrothes 198930 Year Old Whisky Trail Retro Cars

    70cl / 46.1%


    (£392.86 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 199621 Year Old Carn Mor

    Glenrothes 199621 Year Old Carn Mor

    70cl / 51.2%


    (£257.14 per litre)

  • Glenrothes 25 Year Old

    Glenrothes 25 Year Old

    70cl / 43%


    (£535.71 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1995Bot.2016

    Glenrothes 1995Bot.2016

    70cl / 43%


    (£178.57 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 19882nd Edition

    Glenrothes 19882nd Edition

    70cl / 44.1%


    (£535.71 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 19922nd Release

    Glenrothes 19922nd Release

    70cl / 44.3%


    (£235.71 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1996Jack Wiebers

    Glenrothes 1996Jack Wiebers

    70cl / 49.1%


    (£257.14 per litre)

  • Glenrothes Manse Reserve

    Glenrothes Manse Reserve

    70cl / 43%


    (£76.79 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 30 Year OldOldest Reserve

    Glenrothes 30 Year OldOldest Reserve

    70cl / 43%


    (£500 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1988Bot.2011

    Glenrothes 1988Bot.2011

    70cl / 43%


    (£500 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 8 Year OldBot.1970s Gordon & Macphail

    Glenrothes 8 Year OldBot.1970s Gordon & Macphail

    75.7cl / 40%


    (£594.45 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1989Bot.2002

    Glenrothes 1989Bot.2002

    70cl / 43%


    (£392.86 per litre)

  • Glenrothes Whisky Maker's Cut Sample

    Glenrothes Whisky Maker's Cut Sample

    3cl / 48.8%


    (£19.17 per 10cl)

  •  Glenrothes-Glenlivet 10 Year OldBot.1960s Cadenhead's

    Glenrothes-Glenlivet 10 Year OldBot.1960s Cadenhead's

    75cl / 46%


    (£4,666.67 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 196832 Year Old Signatory

    Glenrothes 196832 Year Old Signatory

    70cl / 50.5%


    (£2,142.86 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1995American Oak

    Glenrothes 1995American Oak

    70cl / 45%


    (£141.36 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 198512 Year Old Adelphi

    Glenrothes 198512 Year Old Adelphi

    70cl / 56.5%


    (£570 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 197223 Year Old

    Glenrothes 197223 Year Old

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,785.71 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 195428 Year Old Sherry Cask Connoisseurs Choice

    Glenrothes 195428 Year Old Sherry Cask Connoisseurs Choice

    75cl / 40%


    (£2,666.67 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1979Bot.1994

    Glenrothes 1979Bot.1994

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,000 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1979Bot.1995

    Glenrothes 1979Bot.1995

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,000 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 1989Bot.2000

    Glenrothes 1989Bot.2000

    70cl / 43%


    (£392.86 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 8 Year OldBot.1970s

    Glenrothes 8 Year OldBot.1970s

    75cl / 40%


    (£1,000 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 8 Year OldBot.1970s

    Glenrothes 8 Year OldBot.1970s

    75cl / 40%


    (£600 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 197327 Year Old

    Glenrothes 197327 Year Old

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,714.29 per litre)

  •  Glenrothes 197223 Year Old

    Glenrothes 197223 Year Old

    70cl / 43%


    (£1,785.71 per litre)

# 名称 规定的年份 酒精度 容量 装瓶 桶号 条形码 评分
1 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 08 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 85.33
2 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 08 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 89.40
3 Glenrothes 1957 GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 91.00
4 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 08 40.0 % Vol. 85.17
5 Glenrothes 1957 GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 35 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 90.75
6 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 70 Proof - 26²/³ Fl.Oz. -75.7 cl 08 40.0 % Vol. 757 ml 87.50
7 Glenrothes 1961 GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 5020613445024 92.00
8 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Glenrothes - Glenlivet 08 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5020613436022 87.78
9 Glenrothes 25-year-old Cr 25 51.1 % Vol. 200 ml
10 Glenrothes Peated Cask Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 087229176150 78.00
11 Glenrothes Highland Malt 70 (proof) 750 ml
12 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 10 ml
13 Glenrothes 1996 CA 22 50.1 % Vol. 200 ml
14 Glenrothes 1958 GM 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
15 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 087229176037 79.25
16 Glenrothes 30-year-old 30 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 89.00
17 Glenrothes 1995 Vintage Cask #9 57.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 9 5010493039642 88.47
18 Glenrothes Select Reserve Old Label 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
19 Glenrothes Elders' Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2019
20 Glenrothes Sherry Cask Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 85.50
21 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2010 85.33
22 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493023429 81.33
23 Glenrothes John Ramsay 46.7 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 82.00
24 Glenrothes Select Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 721059067539 78.75
25 Glenrothes 2004 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2017 86.50
26 Glenrothes Vintage Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 81.73
27 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493023429 79.20
28 Glenrothes 14-year-old Wk 14 58.2 % Vol. 700 ml
29 Glenrothes 1971 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 93.00
30 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2008 83.50
31 Glenrothes 1994 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2007 86.00
32 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2013 83.14
33 Glenrothes 16-year-old 16 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 90.00
34 Glenrothes 1984 AD 12 55.9 % Vol. 700 ml 12745
35 Glenrothes Alba Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 80.67
36 Glenrothes Oldest Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 89.50
37 Glenrothes Peated Cask Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493039857 79.15
38 Glenrothes 1968 TT 50.2 % Vol. 700 ml 90.00
39 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493023429 75.67
40 Glenrothes 1955 CpB 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml
41 Glenrothes 1996 20 51.9 % Vol. 700 ml
42 Glenrothes 2004 LB Craigleith 15 40.2 % Vol. 700 ml
43 Glenrothes Select Reserve Old Label 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 79.13
44 Glenrothes Select Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 78.72
45 Glenrothes 21-year-old 21 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
46 Glenrothes Sherry Cask Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493035460 80.75
47 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 85.25
48 Glenrothes 1970 40.6 % Vol. 750 ml 2012 10573
49 Glenrothes 2006 Single Cask 66.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 5462 (part) 88.33
50 Glenrothes 1989 WM Barrel Selection 09 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999
51 Glenrothes 1990 McG McGibbon's Provenance 11 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002
52 Glenrothes 1982 EV 15 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 83.00
53 Glenrothes 15-year-old CA Duthies 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 83.00
54 Glenrothes 1994 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 85.45
55 Glenrothes 1969 SMD Whiskies of Scotland 43.1 % Vol. 500 ml
56 Glenrothes 1973 Vintage Cask 52.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 16
57 Glenrothes 1998 GM Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 11218
58 Glenrothes 1994 JB Best Casks of Scotland 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
59 Glenrothes 1968 MM Mission 37 45.5 % Vol. 700 ml 92.00
60 Glenrothes 1990 CA Authentic Collection 12 59.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 86.33
61 Glenrothes 1973 Sc 45.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2003
62 Glenrothes 17-year-old ErW First Release 17 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013
63 Glenrothes 1989 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 24381 86.67
64 Glenrothes 1990 CA 18 56.9 % Vol. 50 ml 2008
65 Glenrothes 2007 Wh 09 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 87.00
66 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2005 88.00
67 Glenrothes 21-year-old Sn Puffin Whisky 21 46.0 % Vol. 500 ml
68 Glenrothes 1989 CA Cask Ends 26 52.3 % Vol. 700 ml
69 Glenrothes 12-year-old GM Scotch Malt Whisky 12 70 (proof) 757 ml
70 Glenrothes 1986 RS 53.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 2 87.00
71 Glenrothes 1997 WhB 17 54.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 15721 86.33
72 Glenrothes 1989 FC 20 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 24379
73 Glenrothes 1998 MM 12 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 618105003361 89.75
74 Glenrothes Sherry Cask Reserve - Gift Box 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 82.50
75 Glenrothes 1990 AD 13 59.6 % Vol. 700 ml 15355
76 Glenrothes 1973 AD 20 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 1993
77 Glenrothes 12-year-old AD Selection 12 65.4 % Vol. 700 ml
78 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 06 67.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 3520 88.26
79 Glenrothes 1973 Sc 51.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 88.00
80 Glenrothes 1991 AD Limited 25 56.6 % Vol. 700 ml 5114 87.57
81 Glenrothes 2001 CA Miniature 17 53.2 % Vol. 50 ml 2018 85.75
82 Glenrothes 1994 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 85.25
83 Glenrothes 1998 Single Cask 52.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 5166 91.00
84 Glenrothes 1986 PC Cask Selection 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 83.75
85 Glenrothes 2004 Cellar Collection 48.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 86.44
86 Glenrothes 1994 MM Aficionado 17 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml
87 Glenrothes 1990 CA Authentic Collection 15 59.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 83.71
88 Glenrothes 1985 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 87.88
89 Glenrothes 1990 CA Original Collection 17 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 88.50
90 Glenrothes 1961 GM Rare Old 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 87.60
91 Glenrothes 1968 MoS 45.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 13509 88.38
92 Glenrothes 1986 Sc 52.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 82.00
93 Glenrothes 1989 ST 44.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 21720 7610224897053
94 Glenrothes 1985 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 85.00
95 Glenrothes 2007 Wh Ràthais 09 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 82.00
96 Glenrothes 1997 WhB 20 55.3 % Vol. 50 ml 2018 15400
97 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 85.16
98 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2012 87.00
99 Glenrothes 1997 WSq 19 55.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 89.45
100 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 81.46
101 Glenrothes 2001 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2014 087229176099 85.00
102 Glenrothes 1990 CA Authentic Collection 14 58.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 82.67
103 Glenrothes 1990 CA Authentic Collection 16 57.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 86.29
104 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 5010493002417 84.33
105 Glenrothes 50-year-old Crystal Decanter 50 48.0 % Vol. 700 ml 93.00
106 Glenrothes 1990 KI 09 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 80.00
107 Glenrothes 1986 Sc 52.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 87.00
108 Glenrothes 1983 ScCo The Piper's Preferred 13 60.7 % Vol. 700 ml 1997
109 Glenrothes 1966 Single Cask 36 51.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 1438 93.00
110 Glenrothes 1997 W-F 20 48.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 89.40
111 Glenrothes 12-year-old Vintage Reserve 12 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 75.00
112 Glenrothes 1994 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 83.18
113 Glenrothes 10-year-old DL Premier Barrel Selection 10 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 83.00
114 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Malt Whisky 08 40.0 % Vol. 757 ml 86.26
115 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 06 67.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 3517 86.20
116 Glenrothes Bourbon Cask Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 087229176020
117 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 6050
118 Glenrothes 1976 Single Cask 40.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 2687 92.23
119 Glenrothes 1966 Single Cask 36 52.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 1437 92.71
120 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 09 67.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 3532 89.14
121 Glenrothes 2000 AD Selection 07 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 2412 88.18
122 Glenrothes 1982 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 83.25
123 Glenrothes 2004 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 83.08
124 Glenrothes 1996 The Editors' Cask 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 9973 92.50
125 Glenrothes Robur Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 76.33
126 Glenrothes 1997 W-F 19 51.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 89.80
127 Glenrothes 1997 SwWC 23 54.8 % Vol. 500 ml 92.00
128 Glenrothes 1999 21 49.4 % Vol. 700 ml 8246 5010314310868
129 Glenrothes 1978 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2008 89.72
130 Glenrothes 1998 Single Cask 20 56.8 % Vol. 700 ml 13662 89.33
131 Glenrothes 2004 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5010493045209 85.00
132 Glenrothes 1986 vW The Ultimate 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 79
133 Glenrothes 1980 AD Distillery 25 56.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 7127 89.33
134 Glenrothes 1990 McG McGibbon's Provenance 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 86.00
135 Glenrothes 1995 WCh 13 46.0 % Vol. 500 ml 2008 82.00
136 Glenrothes 1984 KI 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995
137 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2008 83.50
138 Glenrothes 1990 TCC 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
139 Glenrothes 1995 DoD 10 45.0 % Vol. 700 ml
140 Glenrothes 1988 Cr Single Cask 25 51.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 7861
141 Glenrothes 2001 McG McGibbon's Provenance 10 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012
142 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6055 88.00
143 Glenrothes 1992 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2005 79.00
144 Glenrothes 1987 EV 18 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 88.00
145 Glenrothes 1997 JAy Private Cask Selection 16 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml
146 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 6053
147 Glenrothes 2001 Vintage Cask #45 45.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 45
148 Glenrothes 1994 MM Aficionado 17 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011
149 Glenrothes 1979 Duty Paid Sample 55.3 % Vol. 100 ml 2005 13470
150 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493023429 24.00
151 Glenrothes 1997 GM Exclusive 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 18717 87.00
152 Glenrothes 1992 Mg Rare Select 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 32094
153 Glenrothes 1990 CA Original Collection 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 85.00
154 Glenrothes 40-year-old 2019 Limited Release 40 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2019 90.00
155 Glenrothes 1985 DE 11 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 8708 87.25
156 Glenrothes 1980 Sc 55.8 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 87.50
157 Glenrothes 10-year-old The Soleo Collection 10 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2018
158 Glenrothes 1954 GM decanter and whisky - crystal decanter 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 88.00
159 Glenrothes 1968 Extraordinary Single Cask Collection 47.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 13495 90.00
160 Glenrothes 1982 W&W 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml
161 Glenrothes 1954 GM Connoisseurs Choice 27 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml
162 Glenrothes 1957 GM white label, screw cap 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml
163 Glenrothes 15-year-old CA Duthies 15 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 85.00
164 Glenrothes 1989 CA Cask Ends 27 53.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 91.00
165 Glenrothes 2003 Single Cask 15 59.1 % Vol. 700 ml 3099 84.00
166 Glenrothes 2006 CWC Exclusive Malts 11 63.4 % Vol. 700 ml
167 Glenrothes 2007 GM Exclusive 63.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 3102
168 Glenrothes Elders' Reserve Manse Brae Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493032537
169 Glenrothes 30-year-old GM The MacPhail's Collection 30 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 88.50
170 Glenrothes 1979 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 85.33
171 Glenrothes 1990 Sb 24 49.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2014
172 Glenrothes 2001 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2013 83.75
173 Glenrothes 1967 Single Cask 35 46.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 6994 92.58
174 Glenrothes 1955 GM Connoisseurs Choice 29 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 91.00
175 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 07 67.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 3521 87.33
176 Glenrothes 1969 ViWh 31 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 94.00
177 Glenrothes 1988 MM Aficionado 22 45.3 % Vol. 700 ml
178 Glenrothes 1988 MM Aficionado 24 49.8 % Vol. 700 ml
179 Glenrothes 1984 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 5010493022514 84.86
180 Glenrothes 1973 Sc 51.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2000 91.00
181 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 07 66.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 3529 88.04
182 Glenrothes 1969 Sa Very Limited Edition 45.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2044 93.11
183 Glenrothes 1957 CA Dumpy Bottle 22 45.7 % Vol. 750 ml 1979 93.00
184 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 6054 92.00
185 Glenrothes 1990 AI The Speyside Trail 18 57.4 % Vol. 700 ml 85.00
186 Glenrothes 1996 Kb 51.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 50 90.00
187 Glenrothes 1996 UD 21 48.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 17 88.00
188 Glenrothes 1946 Pure Malt 20 75 (proof) 750 ml 1966
189 Glenrothes 1995 55.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 10/14 87.17
190 Glenrothes 1990 CA Authentic Collection 18 56.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 88.76
191 Glenrothes 1994 SBT 10 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004
192 Glenrothes 1968 FC 26 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 9867 89.75
193 Glenrothes 1986 Sc 51.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 86.46
194 Glenrothes 1979 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5010493022552 87.29
195 Glenrothes 1991 20 43.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2011 87.00
196 Glenrothes Vintage Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 5010493037686 79.57
197 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 08 67.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 3531 88.35
198 Glenrothes 1979 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 87.91
199 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 85.78
200 Glenrothes 1984 21 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 87.00
201 Glenrothes 1980 Single Cask 56.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 17563 5010493023443 90.48
202 Glenrothes 20-year-old TSD 20 51.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 89.00
203 Glenrothes 2007 AD 07 67.4 % Vol. 750 ml 2014 3528 86.25
204 Glenrothes 1974 W&W 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 90.50
205 Glenrothes 1982 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 86.33
206 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 6051 88.00
207 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 84.32
208 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 10 63.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 10236 88.00
209 Glenrothes 1979 22 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2002 87.00
210 Glenrothes 1989 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 5010493390224 80.33
211 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 83.17
212 Glenrothes Alba Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2009 79.60
213 Glenrothes 1979 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 88.93
214 Glenrothes 1992 Second Edition 44.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 87.68
215 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 5010493023429 79.64
216 Glenrothes 1994 EG 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004
217 Glenrothes 2001 CA Authentic Collection 18 51.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 85.00
218 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM The MacPhail's Collection 08 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 77.00
219 Glenrothes 1969 McG McGibbon's Provenance 32 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2001
220 Glenrothes 1990 CA Original Collection 18 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 85.33
221 Glenrothes 1989 CA Authentic Collection 19 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 87.50
222 Glenrothes 1968 SMD Whiskies of Scotland 47.7 % Vol. 500 ml
223 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2002
224 Glenrothes 40-year-old SMS 40 45.1 % Vol. 700 ml 89.25
225 Glenrothes 1989 JM Fine Malt Selection 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
226 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6049 85.50
227 Glenrothes 1984 CtM 24 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 86.29
228 Glenrothes 2001 UD Scotch Whisky Research Centre 09 56.5 % Vol. 200 ml
229 Glenrothes 1991 ST 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 10232 4260022739111
230 Glenrothes 20-year-old ChWh 20 52.8 % Vol. 700 ml 86.00
231 Glenrothes 1974 Sc 50.5 % Vol. 50 ml 2000 88.00
232 Glenrothes 1950 Very Old Scotch Whisky 21 88 (proof) 757 ml
233 Glenrothes 2006 BD 11 57.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 88.00
234 Glenrothes 1987 Single Cask 54.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 9025 90.00
235 Glenrothes 1979 17 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1996
236 Glenrothes 1996 WhB 20 52.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 5 86.56
237 Glenrothes 2003 Single Cask 15 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 6814
238 Glenrothes 1984 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 84.50
239 Glenrothes 1994 UD 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 1102
240 Glenrothes 1989 BA Distillery Series 43.0 % Vol. 50 ml 1998 7147
241 Glenrothes 12-year-old Vintage Reserve 12 43.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 5010493042222 81.00
242 Glenrothes 1990 Sc 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2011
243 Glenrothes 1989 LG Caledonian Selection 61.0 % Vol. 700 ml 16232
244 Glenrothes 17-year-old Ses 17 59.5 % Vol. 750 ml 1985 89.25
245 Glenrothes 1993 ST 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 6771 4260022739104 89.00
246 Glenrothes 1990 Sb 24 49.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 4260274391068 87.50
247 Glenrothes 1989 CA Small Batch 27 54.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 89.15
248 Glenrothes 1997 SV 22 56.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 4825 89.00
249 Glenrothes 1980 AD Distillery 18 56.3 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 1459
250 Glenrothes 1990 MM Aficionado 21 55.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2011
251 Glenrothes 1979 Single Cask 56.6 % Vol. 750 ml 2006 13459 89.75
252 Glenrothes 1990 Bewh Preston's - Very Rare Stuff 24 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml
253 Glenrothes 1956 GM Connoisseurs Choice 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 88.50
254 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2009 85.00
255 Glenrothes 2007 UD 08 58.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 81.00
256 Glenrothes 1968 DT Peerless 41 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 9974 90.19
257 Glenrothes 1997 WhB 19 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 7153 88.33
258 Glenrothes 1997 LFN 19 54.9 % Vol. 350 ml 2017 89.40
259 Glenrothes 2005 IM Chieftain's 57.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 3275 91.50
260 Glenrothes 1968 MM Aficionado 42 45.2 % Vol. 700 ml
261 Glenrothes Batch 1 TBWC 47.9 % Vol. 500 ml 86.33
262 Glenrothes 1996 WPDK 22 50.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 1 86.00
263 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 82.00
264 Glenrothes 2000 Single Cask 18 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2366 88.50
265 Glenrothes 1997 Single Cask 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 18739 5010493038386 90.67
266 Glenrothes 1988 ED The Single Cask 22 48.4 % Vol. 700 ml 9066
267 Glenrothes 1992 AD 10 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 10965 85.33
268 Glenrothes 1994 CA Miniature 18 53.6 % Vol. 50 ml 2012 84.00
269 Glenrothes 1995 TWf 24 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2020 12283 89.00
270 Glenrothes 1961 GM Rare Old 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 88.89
271 Glenrothes 1997 GM Exclusive 17 57.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 86.80
272 Glenrothes 1961 GM Rare Old 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 78.33
273 Glenrothes 1972 Limited Release 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 91.32
274 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 5010493023832 85.23
275 Glenrothes 1997 TWA 19 51.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 88.50
276 Glenrothes 1987 MoS 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 7409 86.40
277 Glenrothes 08-year-old Malt Whisky 08 40.0 % Vol. 757 ml 84.00
278 Glenrothes 1997 HeHi 19 53.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 7157 88.00
279 Glenrothes 1996 Kb 20 52.3 % Vol. 700 ml 48 83.00
280 Glenrothes 1993 AMC 22 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 5060074862442
281 Glenrothes 1988 WhB 25 51.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 7861 86.07
282 Glenrothes Vintage Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 100 ml 83.75
283 Glenrothes 1996 AqV Water 23 49.6 % Vol. 700 ml 3513 90.00
284 Glenrothes 2000 AD Selection 08 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 2414 88.22
285 Glenrothes Elders' Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5010493032537 79.67
286 Glenrothes 1980 Sc 56.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 89.67
287 Glenrothes 1990 w.dk The Whisky.dk Series 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml
288 Glenrothes 1996 WhB 22 50.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 1 86.25
289 Glenrothes 1989 11 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2002 89.67
290 Glenrothes 1995 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2013 83.21
291 Glenrothes 1968 DT Tantalus 45 46.9 % Vol. 700 ml 13499 92.00
292 Glenrothes 2007 Whk Lord of Speyside 64.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 87.95
293 Glenrothes 1996 Sde Forumswhisky No. 10 47.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 85.29
294 Glenrothes 1990 MBa No. 08 22 50.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 86.27
295 Glenrothes 10-year-old CA Pure Highland Malt Whisky 10 80 (proof) 757 ml
296 Glenrothes 1997 CA Warehouse Tasting 19 58.5 % Vol. 700 ml
297 Glenrothes 1984 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 84.25
298 Glenrothes 1987 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 85.36
299 Glenrothes 1976 Single Cask 42.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 2685 92.00
300 Glenrothes 1994 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 83.26
301 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 84.36
302 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 84.08
303 Glenrothes 14-year-old DL Premier Barrel Selection 14 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml
304 Glenrothes 1998 Vintage Cask #9 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 9 87.71
305 Glenrothes 1978 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 89.51
306 Glenrothes Ancestors' Reserve Travel Retail Exclusive 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 89.17
307 Glenrothes John Ramsay 46.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 5010493025546 91.85
308 Glenrothes 1988 for Asian market 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 86.76
309 Glenrothes 1988 Sb 25 47.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 85.60
310 Glenrothes 1989 BA Raw Cask 14 56.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 18832
311 Glenrothes 1983 ST 17 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 3668 73.00
312 Glenrothes 1986 WW 21 55.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 12170
313 Glenrothes 1988 LT Lighthouses 23 48.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 85.20
314 Glenrothes 1982 DE 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 6560
315 Glenrothes 1994 HB Finest Collection 11 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005
316 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 6056 87.00
317 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6052 87.00
318 Glenrothes 1993 AMC 18 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml
319 Glenrothes 1987 Special Release 25 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012
320 Glenrothes 1988 WhB 25 51.1 % Vol. 200 ml 2013 7861 86.33
321 Glenrothes 1997 McG McGibbon's Provenance 14 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2012
322 Glenrothes 12-year-old Malt Whisky 12 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1979 88.00
323 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2011 89.00
324 Glenrothes 1973 Sc 50.4 % Vol. 750 ml 2003
325 Glenrothes 2007 Sgl 09 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 10750
326 Glenrothes 25-year-old Limited Release 25 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml
327 Glenrothes 21-year-old Scotch Malt Whisky 21 75 (proof) 757 ml
328 Glenrothes 1997 TOB 51.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2017
329 Glenrothes 1996 CA Cask Ends 20 51.3 % Vol. 200 ml 2017
330 Glenrothes 1989 MBl The Maltman 48.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2014
331 Glenrothes 1989 GM Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1998 20892
332 Glenrothes 1988 WhB 26 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 7866 86.00
333 Glenrothes 1981 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 88.00
334 Glenrothes 2001 CA Authentic Collection 17 54.0 % Vol. 200 ml 2018
335 Glenrothes 1997 Single Cask 60.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2017 7425
336 Glenrothes 1990 TWC 22 53.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 84.27
337 Glenrothes 1969 Extraordinary Single Cask Collection 43.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 11483
338 Glenrothes 2006 SE 10 57.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 SE076 85.50
339 Glenrothes 1982 SV 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml
340 Glenrothes 1997 19 50.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 89.00
341 Glenrothes 1969 DT Peerless 41 44.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 12881 91.44
342 Glenrothes 2007 eP 10 57.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 90.00
343 Double Barrel Ardbeg / Glenrothes DL 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml
344 Glenrothes 1988 WhB 25 54.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 7845
345 Glenrothes 1995 BR 45.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 88.00
346 Glenrothes 1991 ST 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 10231 83.25
347 Glenrothes 1956 GM Connoisseurs Choice 30 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 89.71
348 Glenrothes 18-year-old GM 18 70 (proof) 757 ml
349 Glenrothes 1996 PST 20 52.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 87.67
350 Glenrothes 19-year-old TLDC Ainneamh 19 57.1 % Vol. 700 ml 89.00
351 Glenrothes 2003 Single Cask 15 58.7 % Vol. 700 ml 6816 85.00
352 Glenrothes 2001 Vintage Cask #18 45.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 18 88.38
353 Glenrothes 2001 CA Authentic Collection 17 54.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 83.67
354 Glenrothes 2001 CA Authentic Collection 17 53.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 85.75
355 Glenrothes 18-year-old The Soleo Collection 18 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2018 87.00
356 Glenrothes 1971 42.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 91.50
357 Glenrothes 1982 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 86.50
358 Glenrothes 1975 Limited Release 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006 90.34
359 Glenrothes 17-year-old ErW Miniature 17 46.0 % Vol. 50 ml 89.00
360 Glenrothes 1990 Sb 21 53.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 4260274390535 86.95
361 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 86.67
362 Glenrothes Alba Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 5010493025591 80.14
363 Glenrothes 1997 W-F 20 47.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 88.94
364 Glenrothes 10-year-old TSD 10 52.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 86.00
365 Glenrothes 2001 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 82.13
366 Glenrothes 1985 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 5010493023948 86.43
367 Glenrothes 1969 MNC 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2001 19217 91.27
368 Glenrothes 1979 Single Cask 55.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 13470 91.21
369 Glenrothes 1992 Second Edition 44.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2014 88.00
370 Glenrothes 1988 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 88.54
371 Glenrothes 1984 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 87.00
372 Glenrothes 1994 CA Authentic Collection 15 53.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 85.46
373 Glenrothes 1992 TWA 20 52.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 86.67
374 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6045
375 Glenrothes 1969 BA Raw Cask 34 53.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 19218 91.77
376 Glenrothes 1984 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1995 84.64
377 Glenrothes Three Decades for Travel Retail 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 84.00
378 Glenrothes 1990 Sa 45.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5094 89.25
379 Glenrothes 1972 Limited Release 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 90.58
380 Glenrothes 1996 My Lovely Valentine 23 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 88.33
381 Glenrothes 1979 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2004 5010493022552 86.75
382 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2006 82.33
383 Glenrothes Sherry Cask Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 80.69
384 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 82.44
385 Glenrothes 1969 SMD Whiskies of Scotland 44.9 % Vol. 500 ml
386 Glenrothes 2000 RWM 54.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 2434 86.09
387 Glenrothes 2001 Vintage Cask #1 59.3 % Vol. 750 ml 2015 1 88.00
388 Glenrothes 1988 WJ 26 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 89.00
389 Glenrothes 1995 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 80.45
390 Glenrothes 1999 19 53.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 8193 90.00
391 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 06 66.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 3525 88.53
392 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 82.39
393 Glenrothes 1995 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 5010493027625 84.12
394 Glenrothes 1997 WhB 19 53.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 7157 88.65
395 Glenrothes 1974 Sc 50.4 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 5022069001908 88.30
396 Glenrothes 1990 CA Small Batch 24 55.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 89.78
397 Glenrothes 1979 Single Cask 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2005 13466 91.50
398 Glenrothes 1975 McG McGibbon's Provenance 27 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003 DMG 513
399 Glenrothes 1989 CA Authentic Collection 14 61.7 % Vol. 700 ml 2003
400 Glenrothes 1986 Sc 51.8 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 85.50
401 Glenrothes 1989 ST 12 44.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 21765 85.00
402 Glenrothes 1990 CA Original Collection 15 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2006
403 Glenrothes 1984 TDD 24 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 85.86
404 Glenrothes 1991 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2007 83.33
405 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 87.60
406 Glenrothes 1968 SMD Whiskies of Scotland 47.8 % Vol. 500 ml
407 Glenrothes 1989 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2001
408 Glenrothes 1990 McG McGibbon's Provenance 13 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2003
409 Glenrothes 1990 Sc 21 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2011 1645 86.09
410 Glenrothes 1997 BD Excellent 17 50.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 86.67
411 Glenrothes 20-year-old BSW 20 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml
412 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6046
413 Glenrothes 1968 DT Miniature 35 40.3 % Vol. 50 ml 2004 83.00
414 Glenrothes 1987 MoS 53.4 % Vol. 50 ml 2009 7409
415 Glenrothes 1990 Sc 58.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2011
416 Glenrothes 22-year-old wnm Cask Alive! 22 43.0 % Vol. 500 ml 88.00
417 Glenrothes 1972 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2005 91.00
418 Glenrothes 2004 UD 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018
419 Glenrothes 1986 RS 53.3 % Vol. 20 ml 2010 12174
420 Glenrothes Batch 6 TBWC 20 52.4 % Vol. 375 ml
421 Glenrothes 2003 Single Cask 15 58.1 % Vol. 700 ml 6815
422 Glenrothes 1997 F.dk 19 60.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2016 7156 89.67
423 Glenrothes 1998 GM Reserve 56.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2012 11838 90.00
424 Glenrothes 1967 CA Dumpy Bottle 20 46.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1988 88.67
425 Glenrothes 1988 WhB 26 53.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 7886 89.00
426 Glenrothes 1999 Single Cask 19 63.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1435
427 Glenrothes 1968 MoS 45.2 % Vol. 50 ml 2011 13509
428 Glenrothes 1990 HB Finest Collection 10 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999
429 Glenrothes 2000 AD Selection 07 57.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 2415 87.30
430 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2010 83.18
431 Glenrothes 2000 FC 07 56.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 2417 86.25
432 Glenrothes 2001 Single Cask 17 59.0 % Vol. 700 ml 4500 88.50
433 Glenrothes 1989 HL Exquisite 28 52.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 65.00
434 Glenrothes 1979 Single Cask 57.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2005 13458 721059067614 88.33
435 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM The MacPhail's Collection 08 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 72.00
436 Glenrothes 1988 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 89.00
437 Glenrothes 1968 DT Miniature 40 50.2 % Vol. 50 ml 90.50
438 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Macphail's Collection 08 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml 82.67
439 Glenrothes 1966 TB 30 62.2 % Vol. 700 ml 1997 15260 91.88
440 Glenrothes 08-year-old GM Malt Whisky 08 40.0 % Vol. 50 ml
441 Glenrothes 1974 Sc 28 51.4 % Vol. 700 ml 2002 90.17
442 Glenrothes 1999 BW 57.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 88.00
443 Glenrothes 2006 Sb 11 58.9 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 86.94
444 Glenrothes 1997 CA Single Cask 22 50.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2018 86.00
445 Glenrothes 1990 MM Aficionado 21 55.5 % Vol. 700 ml
446 Glenrothes 1968 FC 26 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 9868 89.67
447 Glenrothes 1957 GM Connoisseurs Choice 40.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1991 92.50
448 Glenrothes 1985 Single Cask 32 49.6 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 8377 90.88
449 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6047 88.50
450 Glenrothes 1990 CA Original Collection 16 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 88.14
451 Glenrothes 12-year-old The Aqua Collection 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2019 81.75
452 Glenrothes 12-year-old KI 12 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 85.17
453 Glenrothes 1995 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 82.40
454 Glenrothes 1968 DT Peerless 40 50.2 % Vol. 700 ml 2008 13501 90.33
455 Glenrothes 11-year-old SiSa Xaver Exclusive Bottling 11 44.6 % Vol. 350 ml 86.00
456 Glenrothes 1984 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1996 83.25
457 Glenrothes Select Reserve 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 5010493023429 81.33
458 Glenrothes 1995 43.0 % Vol. 100 ml 2012 85.33
459 Glenrothes 26-year-old MoM Darkness! 26 52.0 % Vol. 500 ml
460 Glenrothes 1996 McG McGibbon's Provenance 11 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2007 DMG 4075
461 Double Barrel Ardbeg / Glenrothes DL 09 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2009 83.19
462 Glenrothes 1979 16 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 1995 81.00
463 Glenrothes 1988 43.0 % Vol. 750 ml 2011 87.50
464 Glenrothes 1982 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1999 88.50
465 Glenrothes 1956 GM Speyside Single Malt 40.0 % Vol. 750 ml 92.00
466 Glenrothes 1994 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2010 5010493024334 85.53
467 Glenrothes 1975 FC 21 46.0 % Vol. 700 ml 6044
468 Glenrothes 1990 CA Authentic Collection 15 59.1 % Vol. 700 ml 2005
469 Glenrothes 1995 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 84.77
470 Glenrothes 2009 Skn 11 48.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2021 7711
471 Glenrothes 1997 Mamo No. 6 20 50.3 % Vol. 700 ml 2017 89.00
472 Glenrothes 2004 Kb 11 58.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2015 11519 89.00
473 Glenrothes 1989 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2000 86.00
474 Glenrothes Robur Reserve 40.0 % Vol. 1000 ml 2008 5010493025034 79.62
475 Glenrothes 2013 SM 51.8 % Vol. 500 ml 2021 7350097100408
476 Glenrothes 1979 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 1994 87.59
477 Glenrothes 2007 AD Selection 07 67.5 % Vol. 700 ml 2014 3523 87.88
478 Glenrothes 1996 Kb 20 51.9 % Vol. 700 ml 51 4542317006883 90.00
479 Glenrothes 1970 SMD Whiskies of Scotland 43.3 % Vol. 500 ml
480 Glenrothes 1998 43.0 % Vol. 700 ml 2013 81.95



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