Ardbeg在这个万圣节期间推出了怪物运送服务。酿酒厂的小菜一碟-Ardbeg Wee Beastie-在这个怪异的季节即将上演电影之夜

时间:2021-05-27 23:54点击:
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发布日期:2020年10月20日 Ardbeg为威士忌爱好者提供了在这个万圣节里赢得怪物之夜的机会,因为他们派出了一组木乃伊,突变体和海洋生物,为英国各地的门阶提供了免费的鸡尾酒和调


The Distillery's monster delivery service will give fans in London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Islay the chance to receive a Monster Night In pack, with all the ingredients for a tongue-tingling Halloween movie night, including a delicious Ardbeg Wee Beastie smoky cocktail. Competition winners can expect a bang on the door sometime between 29 and 31 October, as bike-riding, box-wielding monsters take to the streets to personally present them with their prize.

A handful of winners will also be selected to win a "Knocktail Experience": not only will they receive a special stash of Halloween treats including a bottle of Ardbeg Wee Beastie and Amazon Fire Stick, but they'll also get a visit from their own personal monster mixologist – who'll concoct a cocktail, right on their doorstep.

Ardbeg最近任命的酿酒厂经理Colin Gordon说:“我们值得信赖的生物快递人员团队将确保获胜的粉丝在这个万圣节里享受“怪物之夜”。Ardbeg Wee Beastie是一种年龄无人驯服的匕首,咬人厉害,所以它是完美的嘴巴-在令人毛骨悚然的鸡尾酒中浇灌主要成分–是“惊悚之夜”的理想之选对于那些幸运地抓住其中一种食物的人,我说锁好门,钻研里面的东西,准备与之面对面野兽!

